#' Calculate length of GeoJSON LineString or Polygon
#' FIXME: doesn't support FeatureCollection's yet - fix c++ code
#' @export
#' @param line a [LineString] to measure
#' @param units (character) Can be degrees, radians, miles, or
#' kilometers (default)
#' @return Single numeric value
#' @examples
#' # LineString
#' line <- '{
#' "type": "Feature",
#' "properties": {},
#' "geometry": {
#' "type": "LineString",
#' "coordinates": [
#' [-77.031669, 38.878605],
#' [-77.029609, 38.881946],
#' [-77.020339, 38.884084],
#' [-77.025661, 38.885821],
#' [-77.021884, 38.889563],
#' [-77.019824, 38.892368]
#' ]
#' }
#' }'
#' geo_line_distance(line)
#' geo_line_distance(line, units = "miles")
#' geo_line_distance(line, units = "degrees")
#' geo_line_distance(line, units = "radians")
#' # Polygon
#' x <- '{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon",
#' "coordinates":[[[-67.031021,10.458102],[-67.031021,10.53372],
#' [-66.929397,10.53372],[-66.929397,10.458102],[-67.031021,10.458102]]]}}'
#' geo_line_distance(x)
#' # MultiPolygon
#' x <- '{
#' "type": "Feature",
#' "properties": {},
#' "geometry": {
#' "type": "MultiPolygon",
#' "coordinates": [
#' [
#' [
#' [
#' -122.62527465820311,
#' 37.89327929625019
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.60467529296875,
#' 37.902490518640995
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.58682250976562,
#' 37.895988598965644
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.62527465820311,
#' 37.89327929625019
#' ]
#' ]
#' ],
#' [
#' [
#' [
#' -122.52639770507812,
#' 37.83473402375478
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.53395080566405,
#' 37.83690319650768
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.51541137695311,
#' 37.83473402375478
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.52639770507812,
#' 37.83473402375478
#' ]
#' ]
#' ],
#' [
#' [
#' [
#' -122.44331359863283,
#' 37.726194088705576
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.47833251953125,
#' 37.73651223296987
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.43095397949219,
#' 37.74411415606583
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.40898132324217,
#' 37.77505678240509
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.4103546142578,
#' 37.72184917678752
#' ],
#' [
#' -122.44331359863283,
#' 37.726194088705576
#' ]
#' ]
#' ]
#' ]
#' }
#' }'
#' geo_line_distance(x)
geo_line_distance <- function(line, units = "kilometers") {
lineDistance(line, units)
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