Man pages for georob
Robust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data

compressCompact Storage of Symmetric and Triangular Matrices
control.georobControl Parameters for georob
cvGeneric Cross-validation
cv.georobCross-Validating a Spatial Linear Model Fitted by 'georob'
elevationElevation Data
fit.variogram.modelFitting Model Functions to Sample Variograms
gencorrVariogram Models
georobRobust Fitting of Spatial Linear Models
georobModelBuildingS3 Methods for Stepwise Building Fixed-Effects Models for...
georobObjectFitted georob Object
georobPackageThe georob Package
georobS3methodsCommon S3 Methods for Class 'georob'
georobSimulationSimulating Realizations of Gaussian Processes
internal.functionsInternal Functions of Package 'georob'
lgnppUnbiased Back-Transformations for Log-normal Kriging
param.defaultsSetting Default Values of Variogram Parameters
param.namesNames and Permissible Ranges of Variogram Parameters
plot.georobPlot Methods for Class 'georob'
pmmParallelized Matrix Multiplication
predict.georobPredict Method for Robustly Fitted Spatial Linear Models
profilelogLikProfile Likelihood
reexportedfunRe-Exported Functions from R package imports
sample.variogramComputing (Robust) Sample Variograms of Spatial Data
validate.predictionsSummary Statistics of (Cross-)Validation Prediction Errors
wolfcampWolfcamp Aquifer Data
georob documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:07 p.m.