plot.georob: Plot Methods for Class 'georob'

plot.georobR Documentation

Plot Methods for Class georob


The plot and lines methods for class georob plot the variogram model, estimated by (robust) restricted maximum likelihood. plot.georob computes and plots in addition the sample variogram of the (robust) regression residuals and can be used to generate residual diagnostics plots (Tukey-Anscombe plot, normal QQ plots of residuals and random effects).


## S3 method for class 'georob'
plot(x, what = c( "variogram", "covariance", "correlation",
    "ta", "sl", "qq.res", "qq.ranef" ), add = FALSE, lag.dist.def,
    xy.angle.def = c(0, 180), xz.angle.def = c(0, 180), max.lag = Inf,
    estimator = c("mad", "qn", "ch", "matheron"), mean.angle = TRUE,
    level = what != "ta", smooth = what == "ta" || what == "sl",
    id.n = 3, = names(residuals(x)), = 0.75,
    label.pos = c(4,2), col, pch, xlab, ylab, main, lty = "solid", ...)

## S3 method for class 'georob'
lines(x, what = c("variogram", "covariance", "correlation"),
    from = 1.e-6, to, n = 501, xy.angle = 90, xz.angle = 90,
    col = 1:length(xy.angle), pch = 1:length(xz.angle), lty = "solid", ...)



an object of class georob, see georobObject.


a character keyword for the quantity that should be displayed. Possible values are:

  • "variogram": the variogram

  • "covariance": the covariance function

  • "correlation": the correlation function

  • "scale-location": square root of absolute regression residuals plotted against fitted values (Scale-Location plot)

  • "ta": regression residuals plotted against fitted values (Tukey-Anscombe plot)

  • "qq.res": normal Q-Q plot of standardized errors \hat{\varepsilon}

  • "qq.ranef": normal Q-Q plot of standardized random effects \hat{B}


a logical scalar controlling whether a new plot should be generated (FALSE, default) or whether the information should be added to the current plot (TRUE).


an optional numeric scalar defining a constant bin width for grouping the lag distances or an optional numeric vector with the upper bounds of a set of contiguous bins for computing the sample variogram of the regression residuals, see sample.variogram. If missing then the sample variogram is not computed.


an numeric vector defining angular classes in the horizontal plane for computing directional variograms. xy.angle.def must contain an ascending sequence of azimuth angles in degrees from north (positive clockwise to south), see sample.variogram. Omnidirectional variograms are computed with the default c(0,180).


an numeric vector defining angular classes in the x-z-plane for computing directional variograms. xz.angle.def must contain an ascending sequence of angles in degrees from zenith (positive clockwise to nadir), see sample.variogram. Omnidirectional variograms are computed with the default c(0,180).


a positive numeric defining the largest lag distance for which semi-variances should be computed (default no restriction).


a character keyword defining the estimator for computing the sample variogram. Possible values are:

  • "qn": Genton's robust Qn-estimator (default, Genton, 1998),

  • "mad": Dowd's robust MAD-estimator (Dowd, 1984),

  • "matheron": non-robust method-of-moments estimator,

  • "ch": robust Cressie-Hawkins estimator (Cressie and Hawkins, 1980).


a logical scalar controlling whether the mean lag vector (per combination of lag distance and angular class) is computed from the mean angles of all the lag vectors falling into a given class (TRUE, default) or from the mid-angles of the respective angular classes (FALSE).


an integer giving the level for extracting the residuals from object for what = "ta" or what = "qq.res". level = 0 (default for what == "ta") extracts the regression residuals \widehat{B}(\boldsymbol{s}) + \widehat{\varepsilon}(\boldsymbol{s}) and level = 1 (default for what == "qq.res") only the estimated errors \widehat{\varepsilon}(\boldsymbol{s}).


a logical scalar controlling whether a loess.smooth is added to the Tukey-Anscombe plot (default TRUE.


a numeric with the number of points to be labelled in each plot, starting with the most extreme (see plot.lmrob).

a vector of labels, from which the labels for extreme points will be chosen (see plot.lmrob). NULL uses observation numbers.

a numeric with the magnification of point labels (see plot.lmrob).


a numeric for positioning of labels, for the left half and right half of the graph respectively (see plot.lmrob).


a numeric with the minimal lag distance for plotting variogram models.


a numeric with the maximum lag distance for plotting variogram models (default: largest lag distance of current plot).


a positive integer specifying the number of equally spaced lag distances for which semi-variances are evaluated in plotting variogram models (default 501).


a numeric (vector) with azimuth angles (in degrees, clockwise positive from north) in x-y-plane for which semi-variances should be plotted.


a numeric (vector) with angles in x-z-plane (in degrees, clockwise positive from zenith to south) for which semi-variances should be plotted.


an optional vector with colours of points and curves to distinguish items relating to different azimuth angles in x-y-plane.


an optional vector with symbols for points and curves to distinguish items relating to different azimuth angles in x-z-plane.


line type for plotting variogram models.

xlab, ylab, main

plot annotation, see plot.


additional arguments passed to plot.sample.variogram, loess.smooth and graphical methods.


The method plot.georob returns no value, it is called for its side effects.

The method lines.georob is called for its side effects and returns the value NULL invisibly.


Andreas Papritz

See Also

georobPackage for a description of the model and a brief summary of the algorithms;

georob for (robust) fitting of spatial linear models;

georobObject for a description of the class georob;

profilelogLik for computing profiles of Gaussian likelihoods;

control.georob for controlling the behaviour of georob;

georobModelBuilding for stepwise building models of class georob;

cv.georob for assessing the goodness of a fit by georob;

georobMethods for further methods for the class georob;

predict.georob for computing robust Kriging predictions;

lgnpp for unbiased back-transformation of Kriging prediction of log-transformed data;

georobSimulation for simulating realizations of a Gaussian process from model fitted by georob; and finally

sample.variogram and fit.variogram.model for robust estimation and modelling of sample variograms.


## meuse data ##

## Gaussian REML fit
r.logzn.reml <- georob(log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse, locations = ~ x + y,
    variogram.model = "RMexp",
    param = c(variance = 0.15, nugget = 0.05, scale = 200),
    tuning.psi = 1000)
summary(r.logzn.reml, correlation = TRUE)
plot(r.logzn.reml, lag.dist.def = seq(0, 2000, by = 100))

## robust REML fit
  ## example is run only in interactive session because cpu times exceeds 5 s
  r.logzn.rob <- update(r.logzn.reml, tuning.psi = 1)

  summary(r.logzn.rob, correlation = TRUE)
  lines(r.logzn.rob, col = "red")

georob documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:07 p.m.