Man pages for geostats
An Introduction to Statistics for Geoscientists

ACNKA-CN-K compositions
alradditive logratio transformation
boxcountbox counting
BritainBritish coast
cantorCantor set
catchmentsproperties of 20 river catchments
circle.plotplot circular data
circle.pointsadd points to a circular plot
clrcentred logratio transformation
colourplotcolour plot
Corsicarivers on Corsica
countQuakescount the number of earthquakes per year
declustereddeclustered earthquake data
DZdetrital zircon U-Pb data
earthquakesearthquake data
expexponential transformation
FAMA-F-M data
faultfault orientation data
FinlandFinnish lake data
foramsforam count data
fractaldimcalculate the fractal dimension
gutenbergcreate a Gutenberg-Richter plot
kochKoch snowflake
ksdistKolmogorov-Smirnov distance matrix
logitlogistic transformation
majorcomposition of Namib dune sand
meananglemean angle
meuseMeuse river data set
Modeget the mode of a dataset
palaeomagpalaeomagnetic data
PCA2DPrincipal Component Analysis of 2D data
pebblespebble orientations
pendulum3-magnet pendulum experiment
randygenerate bivariate random data
Rbarcalculate \bar{R}
Rbar2kappa\bar{R} to kappa conversion
rbsrRb-Sr data
rwyxzSpurious correlation
sierpinskiSierpinski carpet
sizefrequencycalculate the size-frequency distribution of things
skewcalculate the skewness of a dataset
striationsdirections of glacial striations
ternaryternary diagrams
testcomposition of a further 147 oceanic basalts
trainingcomposition of 646 oceanic basalts
vonMisesvon Mises distribution
worldpopworld population
xyz2xyget x,y plot coordinates of ternary data
yorkLinear regression of X,Y-variables with correlated errors
geostats documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 5:32 p.m.