Introduction to geysertimes

Basic Use

Load the package other packages used in this vignette.


Get the Data

The gt_get_data function downloads the compressed eruptions data from, reads the data compressed data into R and saves version of the R object in the location specified in the dest_folder argument to the function. The default location for dest_folder is file.path(tempdir(), "geysertimes")). This default location is used to meet the CRAN requirement of not writing files by default to any location other than under tempdir().

default_path <- gt_get_data()
#> Set dest_folder to geysertimes::gt_path() so that data persists between R sessions.
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpUtc3wI/geysertimes/2021-05-06"

Users are encouraged to set dest_folder to the value given by gt_path() which is a permanent location appropriate for the user on the particular platform.

#> [1] "~/.local/share/geysertimes"

If a permanent location is used, the user only needs to get the data once. Using the suggested value for dest_folder:

suggested_path <- gt_get_data(dest_folder=gt_path())
#> [1] "~/.local/share/geysertimes/2021-05-06"

Load the Data

The gt_load_eruptions is used to load the eruptions data in the current session. The gt_load_geysers loads the geyser location data in the current session.

eruptions <- gt_load_eruptions()
geysers <- gt_load_geysers()

A quick look at the data:

#> [1] 1292133      25
#>  [1] "eruption_id"         "geyser"              "time"               
#>  [4] "has_seconds"         "exact"               "near_start"         
#>  [7] "in_eruption"         "electronic"          "approximate"        
#> [10] "webcam"              "initial"             "major"              
#> [13] "minor"               "questionable"        "duration"           
#> [16] "duration_seconds"    "duration_resolution" "duration_modifier"  
#> [19] "entrant"             "observer"            "comment"            
#> [22] "time_updated"        "time_entered"        "primary_id"         
#> [25] "other_comments"

Data Version

The data that is downloaded is versioned. The version id is the date when the data was downloaded.

The gt_version() lists the latest version of the data that has been downloaded. Setting all=TRUE will list all versions of the data that have been downloaded.

#> [1] "2021-05-06"
#> [1] "2021-05-06"

Simple Analysis

Geysers with the most recorded eruptions:

eruptions %>% group_by(geyser) %>% summarise(N=n()) %>% arrange(desc(N)))
#> # A tibble: 450 x 2
#>    geyser              N
#>    <chr>           <int>
#>  1 Old Faithful   184096
#>  2 Plume          143792
#>  3 Daisy           99807
#>  4 Little Cub      96889
#>  5 Lion            63418
#>  6 Grand           41475
#>  7 Aurum           35881
#>  8 Oblong          34080
#>  9 Fountain        27463
#> 10 Spouter         26981
#> 11 Riverside       26678
#> 12 Castle          25787
#> 13 Logbridge       23416
#> 14 Plate           21594
#> 15 Echinus         21330
#> 16 Depression      20668
#> 17 Turban          18885
#> 18 Great Fountain  18880
#> 19 Grotto          17533
#> 20 Jet             16368
#> # ... with 430 more rows

Try the geysertimes package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

geysertimes documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 9:06 a.m.