
# Actual values from a glm model.

# Finds the number of successes divided by the total

helper_glm_actual <- function(model){
  #Calculates the proportion of successes for the yvp plot

  #The methods for acquiring the data are different for mixed models so separated
  #based on model type

    #This code stackes the sucesses and failures into one vector
    stacked_successs_total <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(model$model[[1]]),' ',fixed=TRUE)))
    #Split into successes and failures
    successes <- as.numeric(as.character(stacked_successs_total[1:(nrow(stacked_successs_total)/2),]))
    failures <- as.numeric(as.character(stacked_successs_total[((nrow(stacked_successs_total)/2)+1):nrow(stacked_successs_total),]))
    total <- successes+failures

  }else if (class(model)[1]=="glmerMod") {

    stacked_successs_total <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(model@frame[[1]]),' ',fixed=TRUE)))
    successes <- as.numeric(as.character(stacked_successs_total[1:(nrow(stacked_successs_total)/2),]))
    failures <- as.numeric(as.character(stacked_successs_total[((nrow(stacked_successs_total)/2)+1):nrow(stacked_successs_total),]))
    total <- successes+failures



# helper_glm_actual <- function(model){
#   ###############################################################
#   #Create Data to use as labels
#   #The only way to get plotly to plot the y, the x's, and the observation when
#   #it is not included in aes() is to create a vector where each value of that
#   #Vector contains all of the above information. The plotly option 'tooltips' can
#   #then be used to select which variables to print in plotly which would be the
#   #single variable 'Data' containing all the above information
#   #The methods for acquiring the data are different for mixed models so separated
#   #based on model type
#   if(class(model)[1]%in%c("lm", "glm")){
#     #Get names of variables
#     names_data <- names(model$model)
#     #Get data used in model from model
#     plotly_data <- data.frame(as.matrix(model$model))
#     #If binomial, the response variables are two columns
#     if(class(model)[1]=="glm"){
#       if(model$family[[1]]=="binomial"){
#         #The next set of code extracts the column names from the
#         #cbind statement used to create the number of successes and
#         #number of failures
#         #Find first parentheses
#         firstp <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\(',names_data[1])[1])
#         #Find end parentheses
#         lastp <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\)',names_data[1])[1])
#         #Find first comma
#         firstc <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\,',names_data[1])[1])
#         #Grab the name of the number of successes which is between the
#         #first parentheses and the comma
#         names(plotly_data)[1] <- str_sub(names_data[1], {firstp+1}, {firstc-1})
#         #Check if the person gave the number of failures or calculated the number
#         #of failures
#         if (grepl("\\-", names_data[1])){
#           #Find the '-' sign: the name of the number of trials will preceed it
#           firstm <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\-',names_data[1])[1])
#           #Set the name of the trials by extracting everything from the comma
#           #to the minus sign and remove extra blanks
#           names(plotly_data)[2] <- gsub(" ", "",str_sub(names_data[1], {firstc+1}, {firstm-1}))
#           #Make sure are numeric (I no longer need these so commented out)
#           plotly_data[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(plotly_data[,1]))
#           plotly_data[,2] <- as.numeric(as.character(plotly_data[,2]))
#           #Second column needs to contain total so add first two
#           plotly_data[,2] <- plotly_data[,1]+plotly_data[,2]
#         }else{
#           #if the second column does not contain a minus, the user ented the number
#           #of failures so don't add the first two together and grab the name
#           #of the failures between the comma and the end parentheses and removed extra
#           #blanks
#           names(plotly_data)[2] <- gsub(" ", "",str_sub(names_data[1], {firstc+1}, {lastp-1}))
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     return(plotly_data[1]/plotly_data[2])
#   }else if (class(model)[1]%in%c("lmerMod", "lmerModLmerTest", "glmerMod")) {
#     names_data <- names(model@frame)
#     plotly_data <- data.frame(as.matrix(model@frame))
#     #If binomial, the response variables are two columsn
#     if(class(model)[1]=="glmerMod"){
#       if(model@resp$family[[1]]=="binomial"){
#         #Find first parentheses
#         firstp <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\(',names_data[1])[1])
#         #Find end parentheses
#         lastp <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\)',names_data[1])[1])
#         #Find first comma
#         firstc <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\,',names_data[1])[1])
#         #Grab the name of the number of successes
#         names(plotly_data)[1] <- str_sub(names_data[1], {firstp+1}, {firstc-1})
#         #Check if the person gave the number of failures or calculated the number
#         #of failures
#         if (grepl("\\-", names_data[1])){
#           #First the '-' sign
#           firstm <- as.numeric(gregexpr(pattern ='\\-',names_data[1])[1])
#           #Set the name of the total
#           names(plotly_data)[2] <- gsub(" ", "",str_sub(names_data[1], {firstc+1}, {firstm-1}))
#           #Make sure are numeric (don't need these lines anymore)
#           plotly_data[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(plotly_data[,1]))
#           plotly_data[,2] <- as.numeric(as.character(plotly_data[,2]))
#           #Second column needs to contain total so add first two
#           plotly_data[,2] <- plotly_data[,1]+plotly_data[,2]
#         }else{
#           names(plotly_data)[2] <- gsub(" ", "",str_sub(names_data[1], {firstc+1}, {lastp-1}))
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     return(as.numeric(plotly_data[,1]/plotly_data[,2]))
#   }
#   #################################################################
# }

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ggResidpanel documentation built on June 1, 2019, 1:04 a.m.