Man pages for gggenomes
A Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics

add_seqsAdd seqs
add_tracksAdd different types of tracks
as_featsCompute a layout for feat data
as_linksCompute a layout for link data
as_seqsCompute a layout for sequence data
as_subfeatsCompute a layout for subfeat data
as_sublinksCompute a layout for links linking feats
check_strandCheck strand
combine_strandsCombine strands
def_formatsDefined file formats and extensions
def_namesDefault column names and types for defined formats
dim.gggenomes_layout'ggplot2::facet_null' checks data with 'empty(df)' using...
drop_feat_layoutDrop feature layout
drop_layoutDrop a genome layout
drop_link_layoutDrop a link layout
drop_seq_layoutDrop a seq layout
emale_avaAll-versus-all whole genome alignments of 6 EMALE genomes
emale_cogsClusters of orthologs of 6 EMALE proteomes
emale_gcRelative GC-content along 6 EMALE genomes
emale_genesGene annotations if 6 EMALE genomes (endogenous virophages)
emale_ngarosIntegrated Ngaro retrotransposons of 6 EMALE genomes
emale_prot_avaAll-versus-all alignments 6 EMALE proteomes
emale_seqsSequence index of 6 EMALE genomes (endogenous virophages)
emale_tirsTerminal inverted repeats of 6 EMALE genomes
exGet path to gggenomes example files
flipFlip bins and sequences
flip_strandFlip strand
focusShow features and regions of interest
geom_bin_labelDraw bin labels
geom_featDraw feats
geom_feat_textAdd text to genes, features, etc.
GeomFeatTextGeom for feature text
geom_geneDraw gene models
geom_gene_labelDraw feat/link labels
geom_linkDraw links between genomes
geom_seqdraw seqs
geom_seq_breakDecorate truncated sequences
geom_seq_labelDraw seq labels
geom_variantDraw place of mutation
geom_wiggleDraw wiggle ribbons or lines
get_seqsGet/set the seqs track
gggenomesPlot genomes, features and synteny maps
ggplot.gggenomes_layoutggplot.default tries to 'fortify(data)' and we don't want...
has_varsCheck if variables exist in object
if_reverseVectorised if_else based on strandedness
in_rangeDo numeric values fall into specified ranges?
introduceIntroduce non-existing columns
is_reverseCheck whether strand is reverse
layoutRe-layout a genome layout
layout_genomesLayout genomes
layout_seqsLayout sequences
pickPick bins and seqs by name or position
position_strandStack features
position_variantPlot types of mutations with different offsets
pull_trackUse tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
qwCreate a vector from unquoted words.
read_alitvRead AliTV .json file
read_bedRead a BED file
read_blastRead BLAST tab-separated output
read_contextRead files in different contexts
read_gbkRead genbank files
read_gff3Read features from GFF3 (and with some limitations GFF2/GTF)...
read_pafRead a .paf file (minimap/minimap2).
read_seq_lenRead sequence index
read_tracksRead files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK,...
read_vcfRead a VCF file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
require_varsRequire variables in an object
scale_color_variantDefault colors and shapes for mutation types.
scale_x_bpX-scale for genomic data
set_classModify object class attriutes
shiftShift bins left/right
split_bySplit by key preserving order
strand_chrConvert strand to character
strand_intConvert strand to integer
strand_lglConvert strand to logical
swap_ifSwap values of two columns based on a condition
swap_querySwap query and subject in blast-like feature tables
theme_gggenomes_cleangggenomes default theme
track_idsNamed vector of track ids and types
track_infoBasic info on tracks in a gggenomes object
unnest_exonsUnnest exons
vars_trackTidyselect track variables
widthThe width of a range
write_gff3Write a gff3 file from a tidy table
gggenomes documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:55 p.m.