Man pages for gghdr
Visualisation of Highest Density Regions in 'ggplot2'

draw_key_hdr_boxplotDraw legend key
faithfulExample dataframe for gghdr
geom_hdr_boxplotBox plot for the highest density region
geom_hdr_rugRug plot for the highest density region
gghdr-packagegghdr: Visualisation of Highest Density Regions in 'ggplot2'
guide-helpersHelper methods for guides
guide_probProbability shade bar guide
hdr_binBinning highest density regions in one or two dimensions
lane2Example dataframe for gghdr
scale_probProbability colour scales
stat_hdrStat for hdr box and rug plot
stat_hdrcdeStat for hdrcde
gghdr documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 1:16 a.m.