
context("KKT checks")

# load bardet data set

# load colon data set

# define group index
group1 <- rep(1:20, each = 5)
group2 <- rep(1:20, each = 5)

# generate weight matrix
times <- seq_along(bardet$y)
rho <- 0.5
sigma <- 1
H <- abs(outer(times, times, "-"))
V <- sigma * rho^H
p <- nrow(V)
V[cbind(1:p, 1:p)] <- V[cbind(1:p, 1:p)] * sigma

test_that("KKT checks for loss = 'ls' ", {

  # fit group lasso penalized least squares
  m1 <- gglasso(x = bardet$x, y = bardet$y, group = group1, loss = "ls", eps = 1e-10)
  violations <- gglasso:::KKT(b0 = m1$b0, beta = m1$beta, y = bardet$y, x = bardet$x, lambda = m1$lambda,
                              pf = rep(sqrt(5),20), group = group1, thr = 1e-4, loss = "ls")
  expect_lte(violations, 0)

test_that("KKT checks for loss = 'wls' ", {
  # fit group lasso penalized least squares
  m1 <- gglasso(x = bardet$x, y = bardet$y, group = group1, loss = "wls", 
                eps = 1e-4, weight = V)
  violations <- gglasso:::KKT(b0 = m1$b0, beta = m1$beta, y = bardet$y, x = bardet$x, lambda = m1$lambda,
                              pf = rep(sqrt(5),20), group = group1, thr = 1e-1, loss = "wls",
                              weight = V)
  expect_lte(violations, 0)

test_that("KKT checks for loss = 'logit', without observation weights", {
  # fit group lasso penalized logistic regression
  m2 <- gglasso(x = colon$x, y = colon$y, group = group2, loss = "logit", eps = 1e-10)

  violations <- gglasso:::KKT(b0 = m2$b0, beta = m2$beta, y = colon$y, x = colon$x, lambda = m2$lambda,
                              pf = rep(sqrt(5),20), group = group2, thr = 1e-4, loss = "logit")
  expect_lte(violations, 0)

# View(gglasso:::KKT)

Try the gglasso package in your browser

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gglasso documentation built on March 18, 2020, 9:07 a.m.