Man pages for ggpacman
A 'ggplot2' and 'gganimate' Version of Pac-Man

animate_pacmanCreate a Pac-Man Game GIF
blinkyBlinky moves
clydeClyde moves
compute_ghost_coordCompute Ghost Coordinates
compute_ghost_statusCompute Ghost Status
compute_pacman_coordCompute Pac-Man Coordinates
compute_points_eatenCompute Point Eaten by Pac-Man
ggpacman-packageggpacman: A 'ggplot2' and 'gganimate' Version of Pac-Man
ghost_bodyGhost Body Polygon
ghost_eyesGhost Eyes Polygon
inkyInky moves
maze_pointsMaze Points
maze_wallsMaze Walls
pacmanPac-Man moves
pinkyPinky moves
ggpacman documentation built on July 1, 2020, 11:11 p.m.