
#' Movie information and user ratings from IMDB.com.
#' The internet movie database, \url{http://imdb.com/}, is a website devoted
#' to collecting movie data supplied by studios and fans.  It claims to be the
#' biggest movie database on the web and is run by amazon.  More about
#' information imdb.com can be found online,
#' \url{http://imdb.com/help/show_leaf?about}, including information about
#' the data collection process,
#' \url{http://imdb.com/help/show_leaf?infosource}.
#' Movies were selected for inclusion if they had a known length and had been
#' rated by at least one imdb user.
#' @format A data frame with 28819 rows and 24 variables
#' \itemize{
#'   \item title.  Title of the movie.
#'   \item year.  Year of release.
#'   \item budget.  Total budget (if known) in US dollars
#'   \item length.  Length in minutes.
#'   \item rating.  Average IMDB user rating.
#'   \item votes.  Number of IMDB users who rated this movie.
#'   \item r1-10.  Multiplying by ten gives percentile (to nearest 10\%) of
#'      users who rated this movie a 1.
#'   \item mpaa.  MPAA rating.
#'   \item action, animation, comedy, drama, documentary, romance, short.
#'     Binary variables representing if movie was classified as belonging to that genre.
#' }
#' @references \url{http://had.co.nz/data/movies/}
#' @examples
#' dim(movies)
#' head(movies)

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ggplot2movies documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:43 a.m.