Man pages for ggpmisc
Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'

build_eq.x.rhsLeft and right hand sides of model equations
check_poly_formulaValidate model formula as a polynomial
coef.lmodel2Extract Model Coefficients
coefs2poly_eqFormat a polynomial as an equation
confint.lmodel2Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
fail_safe_formulaSafely extract the formula from an object
FC_formatFormatter for fold change tick labels
FC_nameFold change- axis labels
find_peaksFind local maxima or global maximum (peaks)
ggpmisc-ggproto'Stat*' Objects
ggpmisc-packageggpmisc: Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'
keep_tidyTidy, glance or augment an object keeping a trace of its...
moved-to-gginnardsMoved to package 'gginnards'
outcome2factorConvert numeric ternary outcomes into a factor
plain_labelFormat numbers as character labels
poly2characterConvert a polynomial into character string
predict.lmodel2Model Predictions
reverselog_transReverse log transformation
scale_colour_logFCColour and fill scales for log fold change data
scale_colour_outcomeColour and fill scales for ternary outcomes
scale_shape_outcomeShape scale for ternary outcomes
scale_x_logFCPosition scales for log fold change data
scale_y_PvalueConvenience scale for P-values
sprintf_dmFormat numeric values as strings
stat_correlationAnnotate plot with correlation test
stat_fit_augmentAugment data with fitted values and statistics
stat_fit_deviationsResiduals from model fit as segments
stat_fit_glanceOne row summary data frame for a fitted model
stat_fit_residualsResiduals from a model fit
stat_fit_tbModel-fit summary or ANOVA
stat_fit_tidyOne row data frame with fitted parameter estimates
stat_ma_eqEquation, p-value, R^2 of major axis regression
stat_ma_linePredicted line from major axis linear fit
stat_multcompLabels for pairwise multiple comparisons
stat_peaksLocal maxima (peaks) or minima (valleys)
stat_poly_eqEquation, p-value, R^2, AIC and BIC of fitted polynomial
stat_poly_linePredicted line from linear model fit
stat_quant_bandPredicted band from quantile regression fits
stat_quant_eqEquation, rho, AIC and BIC from quantile regression
stat_quant_linePredicted line from quantile regression fit
swap_xySwap x and y in a formula
symmetric_limitsExpand a range to make it symmetric
typeset_numbersTypeset/format numbers preserving trailing zeros
use_labelAssemble label and map it
xy_outcomes2factorConvert two numeric ternary outcomes into a factor
ggpmisc documentation built on June 28, 2024, 1:07 a.m.