Man pages for ggpp
Grammar Extensions to 'ggplot2'

annotateAnnotations supporting NPC
birch.dfBirch seedlings' size
compute_npcxCompute npc coordinates
dark_or_lightChose between dark and light color
geom_grobInset graphical objects
geom_plotInset plots
geom_point_sPoints linked by a segment
geom_quadrant_linesReference lines: horizontal plus vertical, and quadrants
geom_tableInset tables
geom_text_npcText with Normalised Parent Coordinates
geom_text_pairwiseLabel pairwise comparisons
geom_text_sLinked Text
geom_x_margin_arrowReference arrows on the margins
geom_x_margin_grobAdd Grobs on the margins
geom_x_margin_pointReference points on the margins
ggplotCreate a new ggplot plot from time series data
ggpp-ggproto'Stat*' Objects
ggpp-packageggpp: Grammar Extensions to 'ggplot2'
ivy.dfIvy photosynthesis light response
position_dodgenudgeCombined positions dodge and nudge
position_jitternudgeCombined positions jitter and nudge
position_nudge_centerNudge labels away from a central point
position_nudge_lineNudge labels away from a line
position_nudge_toNudge labels to new positions
position_stacknudgeCombined positions stack and nudge
quadrant_example.dfGene expression data
scale_continuous_npcPosition scales for continuous data (npcx & npcy)
stat_applyApply a function to x or y values
stat_dens1d_filterFilter observations by local 1D density
stat_dens1d_labelsReplace labels in data based on 1D density
stat_dens2d_filterFilter observations by local 2D density
stat_dens2d_labelsReplace labels in data based on 2D density
stat_fmt_tbSelect and slice a tibble nested in 'data'
stat_functionsDraw functions as curves
stat_panel_countsNumber of observations in a plot panel
stat_quadrant_countsNumber of observations in quadrants
these2logicalConvert keep.these argument into logical vector
try_data_frameConvert an R object into a tibble
ttheme_gtdefaultTable themes
ttheme_setSet default table theme
volcano_example.dfGene expression data
weather_18_june_2019.dfWeather data
ggpp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 1:10 a.m.