
Defines functions check_size_param check_vline_size_param check_size check_vline_size reduce

Documented in reduce

#' Reduce a list to a single value by iteratively applying a binary function
#' Inspired by \code{reduce()} from the \code{purrr} package
#' @param .x A list or atomic vector.
#' @param .f A 2-argument function. The function will be
#'   passed the accumulated value as the first argument and the "next" value
#'   as the second argument.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to `.f`.
#' @param .init If supplied, will be used as the first value to start
#'   the accumulation, rather than using \code{x[[1]]}. This is useful if
#'   you want to ensure that `reduce` returns a correct value when `.x`
#'   is empty. If missing, and `x` is empty, will throw an error.
#' @author Jonathon Love <jon@thon.cc>
#' @keywords internal
reduce <- function(.x, .f, ..., .init) {

  if (missing(.init)) {
    if (length(.x) == 0)
      stop('`.x` is empty, and no `.init` supplied')
    v <- .x[[1]]
    i <- 2
  else {
    v <- .init
    i <- 1

  while (i <= length(.x)) {
    v <- .f(v, .x[[i]], ...)
    i <- i + 1


check_vline_size <- function(data) {
  if (is.null(data$vline_width) && !is.null(data$vline_size)) {
    warning("  Use of the `vline_size` aesthetics is deprecated, please use `vline_width` instead of `vline_size`.", call. = FALSE)
    data$vline_width <- data$vline_size

check_size <- function(data) {
  if (is.null(data$linewidth) && !is.null(data$size)) {
    warning("  Use of the `size` aesthetic is deprecated, please use `linewidth` instead of `size`", call. = FALSE)
    data$width <- data$size

check_vline_size_param <- function(params) {
  if ("vline_size" %in% names(params)) {
    warning("  Use of the `vline_size` or `size` aesthetic are deprecated, please use `linewidth` instead of `size` and `vline_width` instead of `vline_size`.", call. = FALSE)
    params$vline_width <- params$vline_size

check_size_param <- function(params) {
  if ("size" %in% names(params)) {
    warning("  Use of the `size` aesthetic is deprecated, please use `linewidth` instead of `size`.", call. = FALSE)
    params$linewidth <- params$size

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ggridges documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:53 a.m.