Man pages for ggroups
Pedigree and Genetic Groups

buildARelationship matrix *A*
buildDRelationship matrix *D*
ggheadAppend genetic groups to the pedigree
ggroups-packagePedigree and genetic groups
inbIndividual's inbreeding coefficient
inbreedInbreeding coefficients
mat2tabMatrix to tabular
offspringDescendants of an individual per generation
pedcheckBasic pedigree checks
peddownDownward pedigree extraction
pedupUpward pedigree extraction
prunepedPedigree pruning
QgpuVector *Qg* + *u*
qmatMatrix *Q*
qmatLMatrix *Q* for large pedigrees
qmatXLMatrix *Q* for large pedigrees (parallel processing)
renumPedigree renumbering
rgGenetic relationship coefficient
smgspedSire-maternal grandsire (S-MGS) pedigree
tab2matTabular to matrix
tabARelationship matrix *A* in a tabular format
tabAinvInverse of the relationship matrix *A* in a tabular format
tabDDominance relationship matrix *D* in a tabular-sparse format
tabDinvInverse of the dominance relationship matrix *D* in a tabular...
ggroups documentation built on March 28, 2022, 1:06 a.m.