Author rating form


Please rate the reviewer's feedback based on the categories below on a scale from "Strongly disagree" to "Strongly agree." Please replace [INSERT SCORE] in the helpfulness, accuracy, and fairness fields in the YAML with the scores you give the reviewer for each category.

  1. helpfulness: "The reviewer's feedback was constructive and helpful." [max. 4 points]

  2. accuracy: "The reviewer's assessment accurately describes the quality of my work." [max. 4 points]

  3. fairness: "The reviewer's assessment was fair." [max. 4 points]

| Score | Rating | |-------|-------------------| | 1 | Strongly disagree | | 2 | Disagree | | 3 | Agree | | 4 | Strongly agree |

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ghclass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.