
#' @name branch
#' @rdname branch
#' @title Create and delete branches in a repository
#' @description
#' * `branch_create()` - creates a new branch from an existing GitHub repo.
#' * `branch_delete()` - deletes a branch from an existing GitHub repo.
#' * `branch_remove()` - previous name of `branch_delete`, deprecated.
# #' * `branch_protect()` / `branch_unprotect()` either add or remove protections from the specified branch. See
# #' <https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-protected-branches> for more details
# ?#' on what this changes.
#' @param repo GitHub repository address in `owner/repo` format.
#' @param branch Repository branch to use.
#' @param new_branch Name of branch to create.
#' @return `branch_create()`and `branch_remove()` invisibly return a list containing
#' the results of the relevant GitHub API call.
#' @seealso [repo_branches]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' repo_create("ghclass-test", "test_branch", auto_init=TRUE)
#' branch_create("ghclass-test/test_branch", branch = "main", new_branch = "test")
#' repo_branches("ghclass-test/test_branch")
#' branch_delete("ghclass-test/test_branch", branch="test")
#' repo_branches("ghclass-test/test_branch")
#' repo_delete("ghclass-test/test_branch", prompt = FALSE)
#' }

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ghclass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.