
#' @name local_repo
#' @rdname local_repo
#' @title Functions for managing local git repositories
#' @description
#' * `local_repo_clone()` - Clones a GitHub repository to a local directory.
#' * `local_repo_add()` - Equivalent to `git add` - stages a file in a local repository.
#' * `local_repo_commit()` - Equivalent to `git commit` - commits staged files in a local repository.
#' * `local_repo_push()` - Equivalent to `git push` - push a local repository.
#' * `local_repo_pull()` - Equivalent to `git pull` - pull a local repository.
#' * `local_repo_branch()` - Equivalent to `git branch` - create a branch in a local repository.
#' * `local_repo_log()` - Equivalent to `git log` - returns a data frame for git log entries.
#' @param repo_dir Vector of repo directories or a single directory containing one or more repos.
#' @param files Files to be staged
#' @param message Commit message
#' @param remote Repository remote to use.
#' @param branch Repository branch to use.
#' @param mirror Equivalent to `--mirror`
#' @param force Force push?
#' @param prompt Prompt before force push?
#' @param verbose Display verbose output.
#' @return `local_repo_clone()` invisibly returns a character vector of paths for
#' the local repo directories.
#' `local_repo_log()` returns a tibble containing repository details.`
#' All other functions invisibly return a list containing the results of the relevant call
#' to `gert`.
#' @details All `local_repo_*` functions depend on the `gert` library being installed.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' repo = repo_create("ghclass-test", "local_repo_test")
#' dir = file.path(tempdir(), "repos")
#' local_repo = local_repo_clone(repo, dir)
#' local_repo_log(dir)
#' # Make a local change and push
#' writeLines("Hello World", file.path(local_repo, "hello.txt"))
#' local_repo_add(local_repo, "hello.txt")
#' local_repo_commit(local_repo, "Added hello world")
#' local_repo_push(local_repo)
#' repo_commits(repo)
#' # Pulling remote changes
#' repo_modify_file(repo, "hello.txt", pattern = ".*",  content = "!!!", method = "after")
#' local_repo_pull(local_repo)
#' local_repo_log(dir)
#' repo_delete("ghclass-test/local_repo_test", prompt=FALSE)
#' }

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ghclass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.