
#' @name team
#' @rdname team
#' @title Create, delete, and rename teams within an organization
#' @description
#' * `team_create()` - create teams in a GitHub organization
#' * `team_delete()` - delete a team from a GitHub organization.
#' * `team_rename()` - rename an existing team
#' @param org Character. Name of the GitHub organization.
#' @param team Character. Name of teams.
#' @param team_type Character. Either "slug" if the team names are slugs or "name" if full team names are provided.
#' @param prefix Character. Shared prefix.
#' @param suffix Character. Shared suffix.
#' @param privacy Character. Level of privacy for team, "closed" (visible to all
#' members of the organization) or "secret" (only visible to organization owners
#' and members of a team), default is "closed"
#' @param prompt Logical. Should the user be prompted before deleting team. Default `true`.
#' @param new_team Character. New team name.
#' @return All functions invisibly return a list containing
#' the results of the relevant GitHub API calls.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' team_create("ghclass-test",c("hw1-team01","hw1-team02"))
#' org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-")
#' team_rename("ghclass-test", "hw1-team02", "hw1-team03")
#' org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-")
#' team_delete("ghclass-test", "hw1-team01", prompt = FALSE)
#' org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-")
#' # Cleanup
#' team_delete("ghclass-test", org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-"), prompt = FALSE)
#' }

#' @name team_members
#' @rdname team_members
#' @title Tools for inviting, removing, and managing members of an organization team
#' @description
#' * `team_invite()` - add members to team(s).
#' * `team_remove()` - remove members from team(s).
#' * `team_members()` - returns a tibble of team members.
#' * `team_pending()` - returns a tibble of pending team members.
#' * `team_repos()` - returns a tibble of teams and their repos.
#' @param org Character. Name of the GitHub organization.
#' @param user Character. One or more GitHub users to invite.
#' @param team Character. Name of teams.
#' @param team_type Character. Either "slug" if the team names are slugs or "name" if full team names are provided.
#' @return `team_members()`, `team_pending()`, and `team_repos()` all return a tibble.
#' `team_invite()` and `team_remove()` invisibly return a list containing the results
#' of the relevant GitHub API calls.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' team_create("ghclass-test",c("hw1-team01","hw1-team02"))
#' team_invite("ghclass-test", user = "rundel", team = c("hw1-team01", "hw1-team02", "missing_team"))
#' team_remove("ghclass-test", user = "rundel", team = c("hw1-team01", "missing_team"))
#' team_members("ghclass-test", org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-"))
#' team_pending("ghclass-test", org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-"))
#' # Add team repo
#' repo_create("ghclass-test", name = "hw1-team02")
#' repo_add_team("ghclass-test/hw1-team02", team = "hw1-team02")
#' team_repos("ghclass-test", org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-"))
#' # Cleanup
#' repo_delete("ghclass-test/hw1-team02", prompt = FALSE)
#' team_delete("ghclass-test", org_teams("ghclass-test", "hw1-"), prompt = FALSE)
#' }

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ghclass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.