
#' R client for GitHub gists.
#' gistr allows you to peform actions on gists, including listing, forking,
#' starring, creating, deleting, updating, etc.
#' There are two ways to authorise gistr to work with your GitHub account:
#' - Generate a personal access token (PAT) at
#'  <https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token>
#'  and record it in the `GITHUB_PAT` envar.
#' - Interactively login into your GitHub account and authorise with OAuth.
#' Using the `GITHUB_PAT` is recommended.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom knitr knit
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom crul HttpClient
#' @importFrom httr add_headers oauth_endpoints oauth2.0_token config oauth_app
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_extension
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows as_data_frame
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON flatten
#' @name gistr-package
#' @aliases gistr
#' @docType package
#' @title R client for GitHub gists
#' @author Scott Chamberlain \email{myrmecocystus@@gmail.com}
#' @author Ramnath Vaidyanathan \email{ramnath.vaidya@@gmail.com}
#' @author Karthik Ram \email{karthik.ram@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords package

#' @title Create gists
#' @description Creating gists in `gistr` can be done with any of
#' three functions:
#' - [gist_create()] - Create gists from files or code blocks,
#'  using  the GitHub HTTP API. Because this function uses the GitHub HTTP API,
#'  it does not work for binary files. However, you can get around this for
#'  images by using knitr's hook to upload images to eg., imgur. In addition,
#'  it's difficult to include artifacts from the knit-ing process.
#' - [gist_create_git()] - Create gists from files or code
#'  blocks, using  git. Because this function uses git, you have more
#'  flexibility than with the above function: you can include any binary files,
#'  and can easily upload all artifacts. 
#' - [gist_create_obj()] - Create gists from R objects: data.frame, list,
#'  character string, matrix, or numeric. Uses the GitHub HTTP API.
#' It may seem a bit odd to have three separate functions for creating gists.
#' [gist_create()] was created first, and was out for a bit, so when
#' we had the idea to create gists via git ([gist_create_git()]) and
#' from R objects ([gist_create_obj()]), it made sense to have a
#' different API for creating gists via the HTTP API, git, and from R objects.
#' We could have thrown everything into [gist_create()], but it would
#' have been a massive function, with far too many parameters.
#' @name create_gists

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gistr documentation built on July 29, 2020, 9:07 a.m.