Man pages for gitgadget
'Rstudio' Addin for Version Control and Assignment Management using Git

add_users_repoAdd users to a repo
assign_workAssign work to each student/team by creating a fork of the...
checkerrCheck error status
check_tokensCheck student tokens
collect_workCreate merge requests for each student/team
create_groupCreate a group on GitLab using the API
create_repoCreate the main repo from a local directory
fetch_workFetch all merge requests as local branches and link to a...
get_portnoRd export
gitgadget_callrLaunch gitgadget in a separate process
gitgadget_urlStart gitgadget and show url to open the application in an...
projIDFind project ID
read_ufileReach user file
remove_projectRemove a project
remove_users_repoRemove users from a repo
gitgadget documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 9:08 a.m.