Man pages for gitlabr
Access to the 'Gitlab' API

branchesList, create and delete branches
gitlabRequest GitLab API
gitlabciDefine GitLab CI jobs content
gitlabr_0_7_renamingrenaming from gitlabr version 0.6.4 to 0.7
gitlabr-deprecatedDeprecated functions
gitlabr_options_setSet gitlabr options
gitlabr-packagegitlabr: Access to the 'Gitlab' API
gl_archiveArchive a repository
gl_buildsAccess the GitLab CI builds
gl_commentsGet the comments/notes of a commit or issue
gl_connectionConnect to a specific GitLab instance API
gl_create_merge_requestManage merge requests
gl_get_commitsGet commits and diff from a project repository
gl_get_project_idGet a project id by name
gl_list_issuesGet issues of a project or user
gl_list_projectsList projects information
gl_new_issuePost a new issue or edit one
gl_new_projectManage projects
gl_proj_reqCreate a project specific request
gl_repositoryAccess to repository files in GitLab
gl_shiny_loginShiny module to login to GitLab API
gl_to_issue_idTranslate projectwide issue id to global GitLab API issue id
onefileUpload, delete a file to a GitLab repository
pipePipe operator
set_gitlab_connectionGet/set a GitLab connection for all calls
use_gitlab_ciAdd .gitlab-ci.yml file in your current project from template
gitlabr documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.