Man pages for glmglrt
GLRT P-Values in Generalized Linear Models

confint_contrastConfidence interval estimation of contrasts
df_for_waldGets the degree of freedom for Wald tests involving the model
estimate_confint_contrastComputes point estimates, confidence intervals and P-values...
estimate_contrastPoint estimates of contrasts
fixcoefGeneric function to get fixed effects of a model
glmglrtglmglrt: GLRT P-Values in Generalized Linear Models
override_summaryOverrides the Generalized Linear Models summary methods
print.summary.glmglrtPrints the summary generated by 'summarylr'
ps_newtonRaphsonNewton-Raphson algorithm when parameters may not be estimable...
p_value_contrastHypothesis tests on contrasts
p_value.glmComputing p-values of hypothesis tests on coefficients of...
summarylrSummarizes a glm, adding a column of GLRT or Rao score...
vcov_fixcoefGets the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects of a...
glmglrt documentation built on Aug. 7, 2020, 9:10 a.m.