Man pages for glmmboot
Bootstrap Resampling for Mixed Effects and Plain Models

bootstrap_ciGenerating bootstrap confidence intervals.
bootstrap_individual_ciRuns the bootstrap estimation method for a single set of...
bootstrap_modelComputes bootstrap resamples of your data, stores estimates +...
bootstrap_runnerRuns the bootstrapping of the models.
calc_entropyCalculate Shannon Entropy
ci_variableGets the confidence interval and p-value for a single...
combine_resampled_listsCombines output from multiple bootstrap_model calls
find_barsReturns the terms with bars from a formula
gen_resampling_indexGiven resampled vectors, gives matching index of original...
gen_sampleGenerates block resamples
gen_samp_levFor resampling from a single set of levels
gen_vector_matchFinds all occurrences of new_vector in orig_vector
get_randTakes in a formula with bars and gives back the plain names...
list_of_matricesChecks that an object is a list of matrices
not_error_checkChecks if the result of 'bootstrap_coef_est' is not error
test_dataSimulated data containing three fixed effects and one random...
glmmboot documentation built on June 28, 2021, 1:05 a.m.