
#' International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
#' An abbreviated version of the international fisheries agreements dataset,
#' including only bilateral agreements, fewer variables,
#' and ranging only between 1960 and 1970 inclusive.
#' This data set is only meant for testing, and not for inference.
#' It provides an example of an undirected, weighted (by integer/increment)
#' network, with composition change and both monadic and dyadic covariates.
#' Monadic variables include the dates states gain or lose sovereign status,
#' their polity score, and their GDP.
#' Dyadic variables include bilateral fisheries agreements between states,
#' and states' contiguity with one another over time.
#' @name Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(Fisheries_Treaties_6070)
#' @format The data includes several dataframes:
#' states (154 rows, 4 columns, monadic),
#' sovchanges (62 rows, 3 columns, monadic),
#' regchanges (145 rows, 3 columns, monadic),
#' gdpchanges (979 rows, 3 columns, monadic),
#' bilatchanges (77 rows, 4 columns, dyadic),
#' contigchanges (139 rows, 4 columns, dyadic).
#' See below for variables and formats.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'    \strong{Object} \tab \strong{Description} \tab \strong{Format} \cr
#'    states$label \tab Node identifier labels \tab character \cr
#'    states$present \tab Node present in dataset \tab boolean \cr
#'    states$regime \tab Placeholder for regime variable \tab numeric (NA) \cr
#'    states$gdp \tab Placeholder for GDP variable \tab numeric (NA) \cr
#'    sovchanges$time \tab Date of state sovereignty update \tab POSIXct \cr
#'    sovchanges$node \tab Node for state sovereignty update \tab integer \cr
#'    sovchanges$replace \tab State sovereignty update \tab boolean \cr
#'    regchanges$time \tab Date of regime update \tab POSIXct \cr
#'    regchanges$node \tab Node for regime update \tab integer \cr
#'    regchanges$replace \tab Regime update \tab integer (-10--10) \cr
#'    gdpchanges$time \tab Date of GDP update \tab POSIXct \cr
#'    gdpchanges$node \tab Node for GDP update \tab integer \cr
#'    gdpchanges$replace \tab GDP update \tab numeric \cr
#'    bilatchanges$time \tab Date of bilateral change \tab POSIXct \cr
#'    bilatchanges$sender \tab First bilateral change node \tab integer \cr
#'    bilatchanges$receiver \tab Second bilateral change node \tab integer \cr
#'    bilatchanges$increment\tab Create or dissolve tie\tab numeric (-1 or 1)\cr
#'    contigchanges$time \tab Date of contiguity change \tab POSIXct \cr
#'    contigchanges$sender \tab First contiguity change node \tab integer \cr
#'    contigchanges$receiver \tab Second contiguity change node \tab integer \cr
#'    contigchanges$replace \tab New contiguity value \tab numeric \cr
#'  }
#' @references
#' Hollway, James, and Johan Koskinen. 2016.
#' Multilevel Embeddedness: The Case of the Global Fisheries Governance Complex.
#' \emph{Social Networks}, 44: 281-94. \doi{10.1016/j.socnet.2015.03.001}.
#' Hollway, James, and Johan H Koskinen. 2016.
#' Multilevel Bilateralism and Multilateralism: States' Bilateral and
#' Multilateral Fisheries Treaties and Their Secretariats.
#' In \emph{Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social Sciences},
#' edited by Emmanuel Lazega and Tom A B Snijders,
#' 315-32. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
#' \doi{10.1007/978-3-319-24520-1_13}.
#' @keywords datasets dynamic political network states fisheries

#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070
#' @rdname Fisheries_Treaties_6070

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