
#' Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
#' An abbreviated version of the MIT Reality Commons Social Evolution dataset,
#' spanning a reduced time period and with fewer variables. Dyadic variables
#' include binary friendships at time of survey, and time-stamped phone call
#' occurrences. Individual variables include the floor of the dormitory on
#' which the student resides, and the grade type of each student including
#' freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate tutors.
#' @name Social_Evolution
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(Social_Evolution)
#' @format 3 dataframes: actors (84 rows, 4 columns),
#'  calls (439 rows, 4 columns), friendship (766 rows, 4 columns).
#' See below for variables and formats.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'    \strong{Object} \tab \strong{Description} \tab\strong{Format} \cr
#'    actors$label \tab  Actor identifier labels \tab character \cr
#'    actors$present \tab  Actor present in dataset \tab boolean \cr
#'    actors$floor \tab  Floor of residence actor lives on
#'      \tab numeric (1-9) \cr
#'    actors$gradeType \tab  Degree level \tab numeric (1-5) \cr
#'    calls$time \tab  Time and date of call \tab numeric from POSIXct \cr
#'    calls$sender \tab  Initiator of phone call \tab character \cr
#'    calls$receiver \tab  Recipient of phone call \tab character \cr
#'    calls$increment \tab  Indicates call number increment (all 1s)
#'      \tab numeric (1) \cr
#'    friendship$time \tab  Time and date of friend nomination
#'      \tab numeric from POSIXct \cr
#'    friendship$sender \tab  Nominator of friendship \tab character \cr
#'    friendship$receiver \tab  Nominee of friendship \tab character \cr
#'    friendship$replace \tab  Indicates friendship value at $time
#'      \tab numeric \cr
#'  }
#' @references
#' A. Madan, M. Cebrian, S. Moturu, K. Farrahi, A. Pentland (2012).
#' Sensing the 'Health State' of a Community.
#' \emph{Pervasive Computing. 11}, 4, pp. 36-45. \doi{10.1109/MPRV.2011.79}.
#' @keywords datasets social evolution network

#' @rdname Social_Evolution
#' @rdname Social_Evolution
#' @rdname Social_Evolution

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