Man pages for googleAnalyticsR
Google Analytics API into R

accountPickeraccountPicker UI Shiny Module - pick GA4...
authDropdownauthDropdown Shiny Module
authDropdownUIauthDropdown UI Shiny Module
dim_fil_ga4-class'dim_fil_ga4' class.
dim_filterMake a dimension filter object
dim_ga4-class'dim_ga4' class.
dynamicSegment_ga4-class'dynamicSegment_ga4' class.
filter_clause_ga4Make a dimension or metric filter clause object
filter_clauses_ga4-class'.filter_clauses_ga4' class.
ga_account_listAccount summary for all accounts available to your user
ga_accountsList account metadata
ga_adwordsGet AdWords Link meta data
ga_adwords_add_linkidCreates a Google Analytics webProperty-Google Ads link
ga_adwords_delete_linkidDeletes a Google Analytics webProperty-Google Ads link
ga_adwords_listList AdWords
ga_aggregateAggregate a Google Analytics dataframe over inputted columns
ga_allowed_metric_dimCreate named list of allowed GA metrics/dimensions
ga_authAuthenticate with Google Analytics OAuth2
ga_auth_setupSetup wizard for authentication options
ga_cache_callSetup caching of API calls
ga_clientid_activityUser Activity Request
ga_clientid_activity_unnestUnnest user activity columns
ga_clientid_deletionCreate or update a user deletion request
ga_clientid_hashGet hashed version of client id (also known as hashClientId,...
ga_custom_datasourceList Custom Data Sources
ga_custom_uploadCustom Data Source Upload Status
ga_custom_upload_deleteDeletes custom upload files for a given ids vector
ga_custom_upload_fileUpload data to Google Analytics
ga_custom_upload_listList Custom Data Source Uploads
ga_custom_varsGet Custom Dimensions or Metrics
ga_custom_vars_createCreate a custom dimension
ga_custom_vars_listList Custom Dimensions or Metrics
ga_custom_vars_patchModify a custom dimension
ga_dataGoogle Analytics Data for GA4 (App+Web)
ga_data_aggregationsExtract metric aggregations from a ga_data result
ga_data_filterFilter DSL for GA4 filters
ga_data_orderOrder DSL for GA4 OrderBy
ga_experimentExperiments Meta data
ga_experiment_listList Experiments
ga_filterGet specific filter for account
ga_filter_addCreate a new filter and add it to the view (optional).
ga_filter_apply_to_viewApply an existing filter to view.
ga_filter_deleteDelete a filter from account or remove from view.
ga_filter_listList filters for account
ga_filter_updateUpdates an existing filter.
ga_filter_update_filter_linkUpdate an existing profile filter link. Patch semantics...
ga_filter_viewGet specific filter for view (profile)
ga_filter_view_listList filters for view (profile)
ga_goalGet goal
ga_goal_addCreate a new goal.
ga_goal_listList goals
ga_goal_updateUpdates an existing goal.
ga_metaGet current dimensions and metrics available in GA API.
ga_modelUse a model
ga_model_editEdit a created ga_model
ga_model_exampleLoad an example model
ga_model_loadLoad a created model
ga_model_makeModelling function factory for Google Analytics data
ga_model_refreshRefresh a model
ga_model_saveSave a created model
ga_model_shinyCreate a Shiny app from a ga_model file
ga_model_shiny_loadLoad one model into a Shiny template
ga_model_shiny_templateGet a Shiny template file
ga_model_writeWrite the ga_model functions to a file
ga_mp_cidGenerate a random client_id
ga_mp_eventCreate a Measurement Protocol Event
ga_mp_event_itemCreate an Measurement Protocol Item Property for an Event
ga_mp_sendMake a Measurement Protocol v2 request
ga_remarketing_buildCreate a remarketing audience for creation
ga_remarketing_createCreate a new remarketing audience
ga_remarketing_estimateEstimate number of users added to the segment yesterday
ga_remarketing_getGet a remarketing audience
ga_remarketing_listList remarketing audiences
ga_segment_listGet segments user has access to
ga_trackme_eventOpt in or out of googleAnalyticsR usage tracking
ga_unsampledGet Unsampled Report Meta Data
ga_unsampled_downloadDownload Unsampled Report from Google Drive. You must be...
ga_unsampled_listList Unsampled Reports
ga_users_addCreate or update user access to Google Analytics
ga_users_deleteDelete all user access for an email
ga_users_delete_linkidDelete users access from account, webproperty or view level
ga_users_listList Users
ga_users_updateUpdate a user access in Google Analytics
ga_viewGet single View (Profile)
ga_view_listList View (Profile)
ga_webpropertyGet a web property
ga_webproperty_listList web properties
google_analyticsGet Google Analytics v4 data
google_analytics_3Get Google Analytics v3 data (formerly google_analytics())
googleAnalyticsRLibrary for getting Google Analytics data into R
make_cohort_groupCreate a cohort group
metaGoogle Analytics API metadata
meta4Google Analytics API metadata
met_fil_ga4-class'met_fil_ga4' class.
met_filterMake a metric filter object
met_ga4-class'met_ga4' class.
metricDimensionSelectmetricDimensionSelectUI - GA4 Shiny Module
multi_selectmulti_select Shiny Module
multi_selectUImulti_select UI Shiny Module
order_typeMake an OrderType object
order_type_ga4-class'order_type_ga4' class.
orFiltersForSegment_ga4-class'orFiltersForSegment_ga4' class.
parse_ga_account_summaryNew parse GA account summary
pivot_ga4Make a pivot object
segmentBuilderCreate a GAv4 Segment Builder
segmentBuilderUICreate a GAv4 Segment Builder
segmentDef_ga4-class'segmentDef_ga4' class.
segment_defineMake a segment definition
segment_elementMake a segment element
segmentFilterClause_ga4-class'segmentFilterClause_ga4' class.
segmentFilter_ga4-class'segmentFilter_ga4' class.
segment_ga4Make a segment object for use
segment_ga4-class'segment_ga4' class.
segmentSequenceStep_ga4-class'segmentSequenceStep_ga4' class.
segment_vector_sequenceMake sequenceSegment
segment_vector_simpleMake a simple segment vector
sequenceSegment_ga4-class'sequenceSegment_ga4' class.
simpleSegment_ga4-class'simpleSegment_ga4' class.
googleAnalyticsR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.