Man pages for googlePubsubR
R Interface for Google 'Cloud Pub/Sub' REST API

DeadLetterPolicyBuilds a DeadLetterPolicy Object
DlqPolicyBuilds a DqlPolicy object
ExpirationPolicyBuilds a ExpirationPolicy Object
grapes-greater-than-grapesPipe operator
MessageStoragePolicyBuilds a MessageStoragePolicy object
msg_decodeDecode Pub/Sub message
msg_encodeEncode Pub/Sub message
ps_project_getGet GCP projectId
ps_project_setSet GCP projectId
pubsub_authAuthenticate a Pub/Sub client
PubsubMessageBuilds a PubsubMessage Object
PushConfigBuilds a PushConfig Object
RetryPolicyBuilds a retry policy object
SchemaBuilds a Schema Object
schemas_createCreates a schema
schemas_deleteDeletes a schema
SchemaSettingsSchemaSettings Object
schemas_existsCheck if a schema exists
schemas_getGets a schema
schemas_listLists all schemas in a project
schemas_validateValidates a schema
schemas_validate_messageValidates a message against a schema
SnapshotBuilds a Snapshot Object
snapshots_createCreates a snapshot from the requested subscription
snapshots_deleteRemoves an existing snapshot
snapshots_existsCheck if a snapshot exists
snapshots_getGets the configuration details of a snapshot
snapshots_listLists the existing snapshots
snapshots_patchUpdates an existing snapshot
SubscriptionBuilds a Subscription Object
subscriptions_ackAcknowledges the messages
subscriptions_createCreates a subscription to a given topic
subscriptions_deleteDeletes an existing subscription.
subscriptions_detachDetaches a subscription from a topic.
subscriptions_existsCheck if a subscription exists
subscriptions_getGets the configuration details of a subscription.
subscriptions_listList subscriptions
subscriptions_modify_ack_deadlineModify the ack deadline for a subscription
subscriptions_modify_pushconfModify PushConfig for a subscription
subscriptions_patchUpdates an existing subscription.
subscriptions_pullPulls messages from the server.
subscriptions_seekSeek a subscription to a point in time
TopicBuilds a Topic Object
topics_createCreates a pub/sub topic
topics_deleteDeletes a pub/sub topic
topics_existsCheck if a topic exists
topics_getGets a topic configuration
topics_listLists topics from project
topics_list_subscriptionsList attached subscriptions to a topic.
topics_patchUpdates an existing topic
topics_publishAdds one or more messages to the topic
googlePubsubR documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:38 p.m.