Man pages for googleVis
R Interface to Google Charts

AndrewHurricane Andrew: googleVis example data set
CairoDaily temperature data for Cairo
CatsCat Search Terms
CityPopularityCityPopularity: googleVis example data set
createGoogleGadgetCreate a Google Gadget
dinoDinosaur data
ExportsExports: googleVis example data set
FruitsFruits: googleVis example data set
googleVis-packageR Interface to Google Charts
gvisAnnotatedTimeLineGoogle Annotated Time Line with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisAnnotationChartGoogle Annotation Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisAreaChartGoogle Area Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisBarChartGoogle Bar Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "barchart"}...
gvisBubbleChartGoogle Bubble Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisCalendarGoogle Calendar Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisCandlestickChartGoogle Candlestick chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisColumnChartGoogle Column Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisComboChartGoogle Combo Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisGanttGoogle Gantt Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisGaugeGoogle Gauge with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "gauge"}...
gvisGeoChartGoogle Geo Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "geochart"}...
gvisGeoMapGoogle Geo Map with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "geomap"}...
gvisHistogramGoogle Histogram Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisLineChartGoogle Line Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisMapGoogle Maps with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "map"}...
gvisMergeMerge two googleVis charts into one gvis-object
gvisMethodsPrint and plot gvis objects
gvisMotionChartGoogle Motion Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisOrgChartGoogle Org Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "orgchart"}...
gvisPieChartGoogle Pie Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "piechart"}...
gvisSankeyGoogle Sankey Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisScatterChartGoogle Scatter Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisSteppedAreaChartGoogle Stepped Area Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisTableGoogle Table Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "table"}...
gvisTimelineGoogle Timeline Chart with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <-...
gvisTreeMapGoogle Tree Map with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "treemap"}...
gvisWordTreeGoogle Word Tree with R \Sexpr{googleChartName <- "wordtree"}...
OpenCloseOpenClose: googleVis example data set
PopulationPopulation: googleVis example data set
RegionsRegions: googleVis example data set
StockStock: googleVis example data set
googleVis documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:24 a.m.