googlesheets Basic Usage

NOT_CRAN <- identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  purl = NOT_CRAN,
  eval = NOT_CRAN
## this is nice during development = on github
## this is not so nice for preparing vignettes for CRAN
#options(knitr.table.format = 'markdown')

First we load the googlesheets package and dplyr, from which we use the %>% pipe operator, among other things. googlesheets usage does not require you to use %>% though it was certainly designed to be pipe-friendly. This vignette uses pipes but you will find that all the examples in the help files use base R only.

## I grab the token from the testing directory because that's where it is to be
## found on Travis
token_path <- rprojroot::find_package_root_file(
  "tests", "testthat", "googlesheets_token.rds"
suppressMessages(googlesheets::gs_auth(token = token_path, verbose = FALSE))
## in case a previous compilation of this document exited uncleanly, pre-clean 
## working directory and Google Drive first
googlesheets::gs_vecdel(c("foo", "iris", "data-ingest-practice", "boring"),
                        verbose = FALSE)
file.remove(c("gapminder.xlsx", "gapminder-africa.csv", "iris"))

Function naming convention

To play nicely with tab completion, we use consistent prefixes:

List your Google Sheets

The gs_ls() function returns a data frame of the sheets you would see in your Google Sheets home screen: This should include sheets that you own and may also show sheets owned by others but that you are permitted to access, if you have visited the sheet in the browser. Expect a prompt to authenticate yourself in the browser at this point (more below re: auth).

(my_sheets <- gs_ls())
# (expect a prompt to authenticate with Google interactively HERE)
my_sheets %>% glimpse()

Get a Google Sheet to practice with

Don't worry if you don't have any suitable Google Sheets lying around! We've published a sheet for you to practice with and have built functions into googlesheets to help you access it. The example sheet holds some of the Gapminder data; feel free to visit the Sheet in the browser. The code below will put a copy of this sheet into your Drive, titled "Gapminder".

gs_gap() %>% 
  gs_copy(to = "Gapminder")

If that seems to have worked, go check for a sheet named "Gapminder" in your Google Sheets home screen:

You can also call gs_ls() again to see if the Gapminder sheet appears. Give it a regular expression to narrow the listing down, if you like::


Register a Sheet

If you plan to consume data from a sheet or edit it, you must first register it. This is how googlesheets records important info about the sheet that is required downstream by the Google Sheets or Google Drive APIs. Once registered, you can print the result to get some basic info about the sheet.

googlesheets provides several registration functions. Specifying the sheet by title? Use gs_title(). By key? Use gs_key(). You get the idea.

We're using the built-in functions gs_gap_key() and gs_gap_url() to produce the key and browser URL for the Gapminder example sheet, so you can see how this will play out with your own projects.

gap <- gs_title("Gapminder")

# Need to access a sheet you do not own?
# Access it by key if you know it!
(GAP_KEY <- gs_gap_key())
third_party_gap <- GAP_KEY %>%

# Need to access a sheet you do not own but you have a sharing link?
# Access it by URL!
(GAP_URL <- gs_gap_url())
third_party_gap <- GAP_URL %>%

# Want to dig the key out of a URL?
# registration by key is the safest, long-run strategy

# Worried that a spreadsheet's registration is out-of-date?
# Re-register it!
gap <- gap %>% gs_gs()
gap <- gs_gap()

The registration functions gs_title(), gs_key(), gs_url(), and gs_gs() return a registered sheet as a googlesheet object, which is the first argument to practically every function in this package. Likewise, almost every function returns a freshly registered googlesheet object, ready to be stored or piped into the next command.

The utility function, extract_key_from_url(), helps you dig the key out of a browser URL. Registering via browser URL is fine, but registering by key is a better idea in the long-run.

Use gs_browse() to visit the Sheet corresponding to a registered googlesheet in your browser. Optionally, you can specify the worksheet of interest.

gap %>% gs_browse()
gap %>% gs_browse(ws = 2)
gap %>% gs_browse(ws = "Europe")

Inspect a Sheet

Once you've registered a Sheet, print it to get an overview of, e.g., its worksheets, their names, and dimensions. Use gs_ws_ls() to get worksheet names as a character vector.


Read all the data in one worksheet

gs_read() returns the contents of a worksheet as a data frame.

oceania <- gap %>%
  gs_read(ws = "Oceania")

Read only certain cells

You can target specific cells via the range = argument. The simplest usage is to specify an Excel-like cell range, such as range = "D12:F15" or range = "R1C12:R6C15". The cell rectangle can be specified in various other ways, using helper functions. It can be degenerate, i.e. open-ended.

gap %>% gs_read(ws = 2, range = "A1:D8")
gap %>% gs_read(ws = "Europe", range = cell_rows(1:4))
gap %>% gs_read(ws = "Europe", range = cell_rows(100:103), col_names = FALSE)
gap %>% gs_read(ws = "Africa", range = cell_cols(1:4))
gap %>% gs_read(ws = "Asia", range = cell_limits(c(1, 4), c(5, NA)))

Do you need more control?

Create a new Google Sheet

Here we use gs_new() to create a new Sheet de novo and populate it with a bit of the iris data:

boring_ss <- gs_new("boring", ws_title = "iris-gs_new", input = head(iris),
                    trim = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
boring_ss %>% 

Note how we store the returned value from gs_new() (and all other sheet editing functions). That's because the registration info changes whenever we edit the sheet and we re-register it inside these functions, so this idiom will help you make sequential edits and queries to the same sheet.

You can copy an entire Sheet with gs_copy() and rename one with gs_rename().

Add a new worksheet to an existing Google Sheet

Use gs_ws_new() to add some mtcars data as a second worksheet to boring_ss.

boring_ss <- boring_ss %>% 
  gs_ws_new(ws_title = "mtcars-gs_ws_new", input = head(mtcars),
                    trim = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
boring_ss %>% 
  gs_read(ws = 2)

Rename or delete worksheets

We use gs_ws_delete() and gs_ws_rename() to delete the mtcars worksheet and rename the iris worksheets, respectively:

boring_ss <- boring_ss %>% 
  gs_ws_delete(ws = 2) %>% 
  gs_ws_rename(to = "iris")

Edit cells

There are two ways to edit cells within an existing worksheet of an existing spreadsheet:

They are both slow and you're better off using gs_upload() if you creating a new Sheet is compatible with your workflow.

Of the two, gs_add_row() is faster, but it can only be used when your data occupies a very neat rectangle in the upper left corner of the sheet. It relies on the list feed. gs_edit_cells() relies on batch editing on the cell feed.

We create a new Sheet, foo, and set up some well-named empty worksheets to practice with.

foo <- gs_new("foo") %>% 
  gs_ws_rename(from = "Sheet1", to = "edit_cells") %>% 

## add first six rows of iris data (and var names) into a blank sheet
foo <- foo %>%
  gs_edit_cells(ws = "edit_cells", input = head(iris), trim = TRUE)

## initialize sheet with column headers and one row of data
## the list feed is picky about this
foo <- foo %>% 
  gs_edit_cells(ws = "add_row", input = head(iris, 1), trim = TRUE)
## add the next 5 rows of data ... careful not to go too fast
for (i in 2:6) {
  foo <- foo %>% gs_add_row(ws = "add_row", input = iris[i, ])

## gs_add_row() will actually handle multiple rows at once
foo <- foo %>% 
  gs_add_row(ws = "add_row", input = tail(iris))

## let's inspect our work
foo %>% gs_read(ws = "edit_cells")
foo %>% gs_read(ws = "add_row")

Go to your Google Sheets home screen, find the new sheet foo and admire it. You should see some iris data in the worksheets named edit_cells and add_row. You could also use gs_browse() to take you directly to those worksheets.

gs_browse(foo, ws = "edit_cells")
gs_browse(foo, ws = "add_row")

Do you need more control?

Protip: If your edit populates the sheet with everything it should have, set trim = TRUE and we will resize the sheet to match the data. Then the nominal worksheet extent is much more informative (vs. the default of 1000 rows and 26 columns) and future consumption via the cell feed will potentially be faster.

Delete Sheets

Use gs_delete() and friends to delete entire Sheets. Let's clean up by deleting the foo spreadsheet.


If you'd rather specify sheets for deletion by title, look at gs_grepdel() and gs_vecdel(). These functions also allow the deletion of multiple sheets at once.

Make new Sheets from local delimited files or Excel workbooks

Use gs_upload() to create a new Sheet de novo from a suitable local file. First, we'll write then upload a comma-delimited excerpt from the iris data.

iris %>%
  head(5) %>%
  write.csv("iris.csv", row.names = FALSE)
iris_ss <- gs_upload("iris.csv")
iris_ss %>% gs_read()

Now we'll upload a multi-sheet Excel workbook. Slowly.

gap_xlsx <- gs_upload(system.file("mini-gap", "mini-gap.xlsx",
                                  package = "googlesheets"))
gap_xlsx %>% gs_read(ws = "Asia")

And we clean up after ourselves on Google Drive.

gs_vecdel(c("iris", "mini-gap"))
## achieves same as:
## gs_delete(iris_ss)
## gs_delete(gap_xlsx)

Download Sheets as csv, pdf, or xlsx file

Use gs_download() to download a Google Sheet as a csv, pdf, or xlsx file. Downloading the spreadsheet as a csv file will export the first worksheet (default) unless another worksheet is specified.

gs_title("Gapminder") %>%
  gs_download(ws = "Africa", to = "gapminder-africa.csv")
## is it there? yes!
read.csv("gapminder-africa.csv") %>% head()

Download the entire spreadsheet as an Excel workbook.

gs_title("Gapminder") %>% 
  gs_download(to = "gapminder.xlsx")

Go check it out in Excel, if you wish!

And now we clean up the downloaded files.

file.remove(c("gapminder.xlsx", "gapminder-africa.csv"))

Read data, but with more control

Specify the consumption method

There are three ways to consume data from a worksheet within a Google spreadsheet. The order goes from fastest-but-more-limited to slowest-but-most-flexible:

# Get the data for worksheet "Oceania": the super-fast csv way
oceania_csv <- gap %>% gs_read_csv(ws = "Oceania")

# Get the data for worksheet "Oceania": the less-fast tabular way ("list feed")
oceania_list_feed <- gap %>% gs_read_listfeed(ws = "Oceania") 

# Get the data for worksheet "Oceania": the slow cell-by-cell way ("cell feed")
oceania_cell_feed <- gap %>% gs_read_cellfeed(ws = "Oceania") 

Quick speed comparison

Let's consume all the data for Africa by all 3 methods and see how long it takes.

readfuns <- c("gs_read_csv", "gs_read_listfeed", "gs_read_cellfeed")
readfuns <- sapply(readfuns, get, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
jfun <- function(readfun)
  system.time(, list(gs_gap(), ws = "Africa", verbose = FALSE)))
tmat <- sapply(readfuns, jfun)
tmat <- tmat[c("user.self", "sys.self", "elapsed"), ]
tmat_show <- sweep(tmat, 1, tmat[ , "gs_read_csv", drop = FALSE], "/")
tmat_show <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(tmat_show)), function(i) {
  paste0(format(round(tmat[ , i, drop = FALSE], 2), nsmall = 3), " (",
         format(round(tmat_show[ , i, drop = FALSE], 2), nsmall = 2), ")")
tmat_show <-, row.names = row.names(tmat))
colnames(tmat_show) <- colnames(tmat)
knitr::kable(tmat_show, row.names = TRUE)

Post-processing data from the cell feed

If you consume data from the cell feed with gs_read_cellfeed(), you get a data.frame back with one row per cell. The package offers two functions to post-process this into something more useful:

Reshaping into a 2D data frame is covered well elsewhere, so here we mostly demonstrate the use of gs_simplify_cellfeed().

## reshape into 2D data frame
gap_3rows <- gap %>% gs_read_cellfeed("Europe", range = cell_rows(1:3))
gap_3rows %>% head()
gap_3rows %>% gs_reshape_cellfeed()

# Example: first row only
gap_1row <- gap %>% gs_read_cellfeed("Europe", range = cell_rows(1))

# convert to a named (character) vector
gap_1row %>% gs_simplify_cellfeed()

# Example: single column
gap_1col <- gap %>% gs_read_cellfeed("Europe", range = cell_cols(3))

# drop the `year` variable name, convert to integer, return un-named vector
yr <- gap_1col %>% gs_simplify_cellfeed(notation = "none")

Controlling data ingest, theory

googlesheets provides control of data ingest in the style of readr. Some arguments are passed straight through to readr::read_csv() or readr::type_convert() and others are used internally by googlesheets, hopefully in the same way!

Which cells?

Where do variable names come from?

How to do type conversion of variables?

How to get raw formulas or numbers without numeric formatting applied?


Controlling data ingest, practice

Let's make a practice sheet to explore ways to control data ingest. On different worksheets, we put the same data frame into slightly more challenging positions.

df <- data_frame(thing1 = paste0("A", 2:5),
                 thing2 = paste0("B", 2:5),
                 thing3 = paste0("C", 2:5))
df$thing1[2] <- paste0("#", df$thing1[2])
df$thing2[1] <- "*"

ss <- gs_new("data-ingest-practice", ws_title = "simple",
             input = df, trim = TRUE) %>% 
  gs_ws_new("one-blank-row", input = df, trim = TRUE, anchor = "A2") %>% 
  gs_ws_new("two-blank-rows", input = df, trim = TRUE, anchor = "A3")

Go visit it in the browser via gs_browse(ss). The first worksheet will look something like this:


Override the default variable names, but use skip = 1 to keep them from ending up in the data frame. Try it with different read methods.

## will use gs_read_csv
ss %>% gs_read(col_names = FALSE, skip = 1)
ss %>% gs_read(col_names = letters[1:3], skip = 1)

## explicitly use gs_read_listfeed
ss %>% gs_read_listfeed(col_names = FALSE, skip = 1)

## use range to force use of gs_read_cellfeed
ss %>% gs_read_listfeed(col_names = FALSE, skip = 1, range = cell_cols("A:Z"))

Read from the worksheet with a blank row at the top. Start to play with some other ingest arguments.


## blank row causes variable names to show up in the data frame :(
ss %>% gs_read(ws = "one-blank-row")

## skip = 1 fixes it :)
ss %>% gs_read(ws = "one-blank-row", skip = 1)

## more arguments, more better
ss %>% gs_read(ws = "one-blank-row", skip = 2,
               col_names = paste0("yo ?!*", 1:3), check.names = TRUE,
               na = "*", comment = "#", n_max = 2)

## also works on list feed
ss %>% gs_read_listfeed(ws = "one-blank-row", skip = 2,
                        col_names = paste0("yo ?!*", 1:3), check.names = TRUE,
                        na = "*", comment = "#", n_max = 2)

## also works on the cell feed
ss %>% gs_read_listfeed(ws = "one-blank-row", range = cell_cols("A:Z"), skip = 2,
                        col_names = paste0("yo ?!*", 1:3), check.names = TRUE,
                        na = "*", comment = "#", n_max = 2)

Finally, we read from the worksheet with TWO blank rows at the top, which is more than the list feed can handle.

## use skip to get correct result via gs_read() --> gs_read_csv()
ss %>% gs_read(ws = "two-blank-rows", skip = 2)

## or use range in gs_read() --> gs_read_cellfeed() + gs_reshape_cellfeed()
ss %>% gs_read(ws = "two-blank-rows", range = cell_limits(c(3, NA), c(NA, NA)))
ss %>% gs_read(ws = "two-blank-rows", range = cell_cols("A:C"))

## list feed can't cope because the 1st data row is empty
ss %>% gs_read_listfeed(ws = "two-blank-rows")
ss %>% gs_read_listfeed(ws = "two-blank-rows", skip = 2)

Let's clean up after ourselves.


Authorization using OAuth2

If you use a function that requires authorization, it will be auto-triggered. But you can also initiate the process explicitly if you wish, like so:

# Give googlesheets permission to access your spreadsheets and google drive

Use gs_auth(new_user = TRUE), to force the process to begin anew. Otherwise, the credentials left behind will be used to refresh your access token as needed.

The function gs_user() will print and return some information about the current authenticated user and session.

user_session_info <- gs_user()

"Old" Google Sheets

In March 2014 Google introduced "new" Sheets. "New" Sheets and "old" sheets behave quite differently with respect to access via API and present a big headache for us. In 2015, Google started forcibly converting sheets: all "old" Sheets will be switched over the "new" sheets during 2015. For a while, there were still "old" sheets lying around, so we've made some effort to support them, when it's easy to do so. But keep your expectations low. You can expect what little support there is to go away in the next version of googlesheets.

gs_read_csv() does not work for "old" sheets. Nor will it ever.

Try the googlesheets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googlesheets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:57 p.m.