ltcs: Analysis of Line x Tester data on single plant basis containing only Crosses laid out in RCBD or Alpha Lattice design."

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Analyzing the line by tester data single plant observations evaluated in RCBD and Alpha lattice design. All the factors are considered as fixed.

w Analyzing Line x Tester data (crosses) based on single plant observations laid out in Alpha Lattice design.

# Load the package

#Load the dataset

# Conduct Line x Tester analysis on single plant basis
result = ltcs(alphaltcs, replication, line, tester, obs, yield, block)

# View the output

Example: Analyzing Line x Tester data (crosses) based on single plant observations laid out in RCBD.

# Load the package

#Load the dataset

# Conduct Line x Tester analysis on single plant basis
result1 = ltcs(rcbdltcs, replication, line, tester, obs, yield)

# View the output

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gpbStat documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:20 p.m.