fitGPModel: Fits a 'GPModel'

fitGPModelR Documentation

Fits a GPModel


Estimates the parameters of a GPModel by maximizing the marginal likelihood


fitGPModel(likelihood = "gaussian", group_data = NULL,
  group_rand_coef_data = NULL, ind_effect_group_rand_coef = NULL,
  drop_intercept_group_rand_effect = NULL, gp_coords = NULL,
  gp_rand_coef_data = NULL, cov_function = "exponential",
  cov_fct_shape = 0.5, gp_approx = "none", cov_fct_taper_range = 1,
  cov_fct_taper_shape = 0, num_neighbors = 20L,
  vecchia_ordering = "random", ind_points_selection = "kmeans++",
  num_ind_points = 500L, cover_tree_radius = 1,
  matrix_inversion_method = "cholesky", seed = 0L, cluster_ids = NULL,
  free_raw_data = FALSE, y, X = NULL, params = list(),
  vecchia_approx = NULL, vecchia_pred_type = NULL,
  num_neighbors_pred = NULL, offset = NULL, fixed_effects = NULL)



A string specifying the likelihood function (distribution) of the response variable. Available options:

  • "gaussian"

  • "bernoulli_probit": binary data with Bernoulli likelihood and a probit link function

  • "bernoulli_logit": binary data with Bernoulli likelihood and a logit link function

  • "gamma": gamma distribution with a with log link function

  • "poisson": Poisson distribution with a with log link function

  • "negative_binomial": negative binomial distribution with a with log link function

  • Note: other likelihoods could be implemented upon request


A vector or matrix whose columns are categorical grouping variables. The elements being group levels defining grouped random effects. The elements of 'group_data' can be integer, double, or character. The number of columns corresponds to the number of grouped (intercept) random effects


A vector or matrix with numeric covariate data for grouped random coefficients


A vector with integer indices that indicate the corresponding categorical grouping variable (=columns) in 'group_data' for every covariate in 'group_rand_coef_data'. Counting starts at 1. The length of this index vector must equal the number of covariates in 'group_rand_coef_data'. For instance, c(1,1,2) means that the first two covariates (=first two columns) in 'group_rand_coef_data' have random coefficients corresponding to the first categorical grouping variable (=first column) in 'group_data', and the third covariate (=third column) in 'group_rand_coef_data' has a random coefficient corresponding to the second grouping variable (=second column) in 'group_data'


A vector of type logical (boolean). Indicates whether intercept random effects are dropped (only for random coefficients). If drop_intercept_group_rand_effect[k] is TRUE, the intercept random effect number k is dropped / not included. Only random effects with random slopes can be dropped.


A matrix with numeric coordinates (= inputs / features) for defining Gaussian processes


A vector or matrix with numeric covariate data for Gaussian process random coefficients


A string specifying the covariance function for the Gaussian process. Available options:

  • "exponential": Exponential covariance function (using the parametrization of Diggle and Ribeiro, 2007)

  • "gaussian": Gaussian, aka squared exponential, covariance function (using the parametrization of Diggle and Ribeiro, 2007)

  • "matern": Matern covariance function with the smoothness specified by the cov_fct_shape parameter (using the parametrization of Rasmussen and Williams, 2006)

  • "powered_exponential": powered exponential covariance function with the exponent specified by the cov_fct_shape parameter (using the parametrization of Diggle and Ribeiro, 2007)

  • "wendland": Compactly supported Wendland covariance function (using the parametrization of Bevilacqua et al., 2019, AOS)

  • "matern_space_time": Spatio-temporal Matern covariance function with different range parameters for space and time. Note that the first column in gp_coords must correspond to the time dimension

  • "matern_ard": anisotropic Matern covariance function with Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD), i.e., with a different range parameter for every coordinate dimension / column of gp_coords

  • "gaussian_ard": anisotropic Gaussian, aka squared exponential, covariance function with Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD), i.e., with a different range parameter for every coordinate dimension / column of gp_coords


A numeric specifying the shape parameter of the covariance function (=smoothness parameter for Matern covariance) This parameter is irrelevant for some covariance functions such as the exponential or Gaussian


A string specifying the large data approximation for Gaussian processes. Available options:

  • "none": No approximation

  • "vecchia": A Vecchia approximation; see Sigrist (2022, JMLR) for more details

  • "tapering": The covariance function is multiplied by a compactly supported Wendland correlation function

  • "fitc": Fully Independent Training Conditional approximation aka modified predictive process approximation; see Gyger, Furrer, and Sigrist (2024) for more details

  • "full_scale_tapering": A full scale approximation combining an inducing point / predictive process approximation with tapering on the residual process; see Gyger, Furrer, and Sigrist (2024) for more details


A numeric specifying the range parameter of the Wendland covariance function and Wendland correlation taper function. We follow the notation of Bevilacqua et al. (2019, AOS)


A numeric specifying the shape (=smoothness) parameter of the Wendland covariance function and Wendland correlation taper function. We follow the notation of Bevilacqua et al. (2019, AOS)


An integer specifying the number of neighbors for the Vecchia approximation. Note: for prediction, the number of neighbors can be set through the 'num_neighbors_pred' parameter in the 'set_prediction_data' function. By default, num_neighbors_pred = 2 * num_neighbors. Further, the type of Vecchia approximation used for making predictions is set through the 'vecchia_pred_type' parameter in the 'set_prediction_data' function


A string specifying the ordering used in the Vecchia approximation. Available options:

  • "none": the default ordering in the data is used

  • "random": a random ordering

  • "time": ordering accorrding to time (only for space-time models)

  • "time_random_space": ordering according to time and randomly for all spatial points with the same time points (only for space-time models)


A string specifying the method for choosing inducing points Available options:

  • "kmeans++: the k-means++ algorithm

  • "cover_tree": the cover tree algorithm

  • "random": random selection from data points


An integer specifying the number of inducing points / knots for, e.g., a predictive process approximation


A numeric specifying the radius (= "spatial resolution") for the cover tree algorithm


A string specifying the method used for inverting covariance matrices. Available options:

  • "cholesky": Cholesky factorization

  • "iterative": iterative methods. A combination of conjugate gradient, Lanczos algorithm, and other methods.

    This is currently only supported for the following cases:

    • likelihood != "gaussian" and gp_approx == "vecchia" (non-Gaussian likelihoods with a Vecchia-Laplace approximation)

    • likelihood == "gaussian" and gp_approx == "full_scale_tapering" (Gaussian likelihood with a full-scale tapering approximation)


An integer specifying the seed used for model creation (e.g., random ordering in Vecchia approximation)


A vector with elements indicating independent realizations of random effects / Gaussian processes (same values = same process realization). The elements of 'cluster_ids' can be integer, double, or character.


A boolean. If TRUE, the data (groups, coordinates, covariate data for random coefficients) is freed in R after initialization


A vector with response variable data


A matrix with numeric covariate data for the fixed effects linear regression term (if there is one)


A list with parameters for the estimation / optimization

  • optimizer_cov: string (default = "lbfgs"). Optimizer used for estimating covariance parameters. Options: "gradient_descent", "lbfgs", "fisher_scoring", "newton", "nelder_mead", "adam". If there are additional auxiliary parameters for non-Gaussian likelihoods, 'optimizer_cov' is also used for those

  • optimizer_coef: string (default = "wls" for Gaussian likelihoods and "lbfgs" for other likelihoods). Optimizer used for estimating linear regression coefficients, if there are any (for the GPBoost algorithm there are usually none). Options: "gradient_descent", "lbfgs", "wls", "nelder_mead", "adam". Gradient descent steps are done simultaneously with gradient descent steps for the covariance parameters. "wls" refers to doing coordinate descent for the regression coefficients using weighted least squares. If 'optimizer_cov' is set to "nelder_mead", "lbfgs", or "adam", 'optimizer_coef' is automatically also set to the same value.

  • maxit: integer (default = 1000). Maximal number of iterations for optimization algorithm

  • delta_rel_conv: numeric (default = 1E-6 except for "nelder_mead" for which the default is 1E-8). Convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if the relative change in either the (approximate) log-likelihood or the parameters is below this value. For "adam", the L2 norm of the gradient is used instead of the relative change in the log-likelihood. If < 0, internal default values are used

  • convergence_criterion: string (default = "relative_change_in_log_likelihood"). The convergence criterion used for terminating the optimization algorithm. Options: "relative_change_in_log_likelihood" or "relative_change_in_parameters"

  • init_coef: vector with numeric elements (default = NULL). Initial values for the regression coefficients (if there are any, can be NULL)

  • init_cov_pars: vector with numeric elements (default = NULL). Initial values for covariance parameters of Gaussian process and random effects (can be NULL). The order it the same as the order of the parameters in the summary function: first is the error variance (only for "gaussian" likelihood), next follow the variances of the grouped random effects (if there are any, in the order provided in 'group_data'), and then follow the marginal variance and the range of the Gaussian process. If there are multiple Gaussian processes, then the variances and ranges follow alternatingly. If 'init_cov_pars = NULL', an internal choice is used that depends on the likelihood and the random effects type and covariance function. If you select the option 'trace = TRUE' in the 'params' argument, you will see the first initial covariance parameters in iteration 0.

  • lr_coef: numeric (default = 0.1). Learning rate for fixed effect regression coefficients if gradient descent is used

  • lr_cov: numeric (default = 0.1 for "gradient_descent" and 1. otherwise). Initial learning rate for covariance parameters if a gradient-based optimization method is used

    • If lr_cov < 0, internal default values are used (0.1 for "gradient_descent" and 1. otherwise)

    • If there are additional auxiliary parameters for non-Gaussian likelihoods, 'lr_cov' is also used for those

    • For "lbfgs", this is divided by the norm of the gradient in the first iteration

  • use_nesterov_acc: boolean (default = TRUE). If TRUE Nesterov acceleration is used. This is used only for gradient descent

  • acc_rate_coef: numeric (default = 0.5). Acceleration rate for regression coefficients (if there are any) for Nesterov acceleration

  • acc_rate_cov: numeric (default = 0.5). Acceleration rate for covariance parameters for Nesterov acceleration

  • momentum_offset: integer (Default = 2). Number of iterations for which no momentum is applied in the beginning.

  • trace: boolean (default = FALSE). If TRUE, information on the progress of the parameter optimization is printed

  • std_dev: boolean (default = TRUE). If TRUE, approximate standard deviations are calculated for the covariance and linear regression parameters (= square root of diagonal of the inverse Fisher information for Gaussian likelihoods and square root of diagonal of a numerically approximated inverse Hessian for non-Gaussian likelihoods)

  • init_aux_pars: vector with numeric elements (default = NULL). Initial values for additional parameters for non-Gaussian likelihoods (e.g., shape parameter of a gamma or negative_binomial likelihood)

  • estimate_aux_pars: boolean (default = TRUE). If TRUE, additional parameters for non-Gaussian likelihoods are also estimated (e.g., shape parameter of a gamma or negative_binomial likelihood)

  • cg_max_num_it: integer (default = 1000). Maximal number of iterations for conjugate gradient algorithms

  • cg_max_num_it_tridiag: integer (default = 1000). Maximal number of iterations for conjugate gradient algorithm when being run as Lanczos algorithm for tridiagonalization

  • cg_delta_conv: numeric (default = 1E-2). Tolerance level for L2 norm of residuals for checking convergence in conjugate gradient algorithm when being used for parameter estimation

  • num_rand_vec_trace: integer (default = 50). Number of random vectors (e.g., Rademacher) for stochastic approximation of the trace of a matrix

  • reuse_rand_vec_trace: boolean (default = TRUE). If true, random vectors (e.g., Rademacher) for stochastic approximations of the trace of a matrix are sampled only once at the beginning of the parameter estimation and reused in later trace approximations. Otherwise they are sampled every time a trace is calculated

  • seed_rand_vec_trace: integer (default = 1). Seed number to generate random vectors (e.g., Rademacher)

  • piv_chol_rank: integer (default = 50). Rank of the pivoted Cholesky decomposition used as preconditioner in conjugate gradient algorithms

  • cg_preconditioner_type: string. Type of preconditioner used for conjugate gradient algorithms.

    • Options for non-Gaussian likelihoods and gp_approx = "vecchia":

      • "Sigma_inv_plus_BtWB" (= default): (B^T * (D^-1 + W) * B) as preconditioner for inverting (B^T * D^-1 * B + W), where B^T * D^-1 * B approx= Sigma^-1

    • "piv_chol_on_Sigma": (Lk * Lk^T + W^-1) as preconditioner for inverting (B^-1 * D * B^-T + W^-1), where Lk is a low-rank pivoted Cholesky approximation for Sigma and B^-1 * D * B^-T approx= Sigma

    • Options for likelihood = "gaussian" and gp_approx = "full_scale_tapering":

      • "predictive_process_plus_diagonal" (= default): predictive process preconditiioner

      • "none": no preconditioner


Discontinued. Use the argument gp_approx instead


A string specifying the type of Vecchia approximation used for making predictions. This is discontinued here. Use the function 'set_prediction_data' to specify this


an integer specifying the number of neighbors for making predictions. This is discontinued here. Use the function 'set_prediction_data' to specify this


A numeric vector with additional fixed effects contributions that are added to the linear predictor (= offset). The length of this vector needs to equal the number of training data points.


This is discontinued. Use the renamed equivalent argument offset instead


A fitted GPModel


Fabio Sigrist


# See for more examples

data(GPBoost_data, package = "gpboost")
# Add intercept column
X1 <- cbind(rep(1,dim(X)[1]),X)
X_test1 <- cbind(rep(1,dim(X_test)[1]),X_test)

#--------------------Grouped random effects model: single-level random effect----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(group_data = group_data[,1], y = y, X = X1,
                       likelihood="gaussian", params = list(std_dev = TRUE))
# Make predictions
pred <- predict(gp_model, group_data_pred = group_data_test[,1], 
                X_pred = X_test1, predict_var = TRUE)
pred$mu # Predicted mean
pred$var # Predicted variances
# Also predict covariance matrix
pred <- predict(gp_model, group_data_pred = group_data_test[,1], 
                X_pred = X_test1, predict_cov_mat = TRUE)
pred$mu # Predicted mean
pred$cov # Predicted covariance

#--------------------Two crossed random effects and a random slope----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(group_data = group_data, likelihood="gaussian",
                       group_rand_coef_data = X[,2],
                       ind_effect_group_rand_coef = 1,
                       y = y, X = X1, params = list(std_dev = TRUE))

#--------------------Gaussian process model----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(gp_coords = coords, cov_function = "exponential",
                       likelihood="gaussian", y = y, X = X1, params = list(std_dev = TRUE))
# Make predictions
pred <- predict(gp_model, gp_coords_pred = coords_test, 
                X_pred = X_test1, predict_cov_mat = TRUE)
pred$mu # Predicted (posterior) mean of GP
pred$cov # Predicted (posterior) covariance matrix of GP

#--------------------Gaussian process model with Vecchia approximation----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(gp_coords = coords, cov_function = "exponential",
                       gp_approx = "vecchia", num_neighbors = 20,
                       likelihood="gaussian", y = y)

#--------------------Gaussian process model with random coefficients----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(gp_coords = coords, cov_function = "exponential",
                       gp_rand_coef_data = X[,2], y=y,
                       likelihood = "gaussian", params = list(std_dev = TRUE))

#--------------------Combine Gaussian process with grouped random effects----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(group_data = group_data,
                       gp_coords = coords, cov_function = "exponential",
                       likelihood = "gaussian", y = y, X = X1, params = list(std_dev = TRUE))

gpboost documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:04 p.m.