graphTweets 0.5.3

Moving rtweet to Suggests.

graphTweets 0.5.2

graphTweets 0.5.1

Better use of tidyeval to improve usage of the package in functions.

graphTweets 0.5.0

The origin gt_edges functions, first part of the package in 2014, was extracting @tagged users from tweets' text with convoluted regular expressions: it is no longer necessary as rtweet now returns mentions_screen_name, hence the aforementioned changes.

graphTweets 0.4.3

graphTweets 0.4.2

Removed splitstackshape dependency ahead of its archival; now uses tidyr.

graphTweets 0.4.1

graphTweets 0.4.0

Major release: overhaul to 1) make computations much faster, 2) make the whole package more tidyverse friendly and 3) switch to rtweet as main source.



token <- create_token("APP", "xxxXXxxxx", "xXXXxxXX")
tweets <- search_tweets("#rstats", token = token)

  "v3.2" = {
    edges <- getEdges(, "screen_name", "text")
    g <-, TRUE)
  "v4" = {
    tweets %>% 
      gt_edges_() %>%  
      gt_graph() -> g

  test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 v3.2          100    6.55    1.492      6.45     0.06         NA        NA
2   v4          100    4.39    1.000      4.33     0.05         NA        NA

graphTweets 0.3.2

graphTweets 0.3

Try the graphTweets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

graphTweets documentation built on Jan. 8, 2020, 9:07 a.m.