Man pages for graphicalExtremes
Statistical Methodology for Graphical Extreme Value Models

censorCensor dataset
checkGammaHR parameter matrix checks
check_graphCheck input graph
check_partial_matrix_and_graphCheck input graph and partial matrix
check_split_by_sepIdentify pairs of vertices that are split by a separator
chi2GammaTransformation between \eChi and \eGamma
complete_GammaCompletion of Gamma matrices
complete_Gamma_decomposableCompletion of decomposable Gamma matrices
complete_Gamma_generalNon-decomposable completion of variogram matrices
complete_Gamma_general_demoDEMO-VERSION: Completion of non-decomposable Gamma matrices
complete_Gamma_general_splitNon-decomposable completion of variogram matrices
complete_Gamma_one_stepCompletion of two-clique decomposable Gamma matrices
computeLimitsCompute plot limits
danubeUpper Danube basin dataset
data2mparetoData standardization to multivariate Pareto scale
eglearnLearning extremal graph structure
emp_chiEmpirical estimation of extremal correlation matrix \eChi
emp_chi_multdimEmpirical estimation of extremal correlation \eChi
emp_varioEstimation of the variogram matrix \eGamma of a Huesler-Reiss...
emstFitting extremal minimum spanning tree
emtp2Performs Gaussian likelihood optimization under Laplacian...
ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zerosEnsure numerical matrix symmetry/zero values
fast_diagFast computation of diag(y %_% M %_% t(y))
fillFixedParamsHelper function to combine par with fixed params (in init)
findVsepFind a separator set for two vertices
fit_graph_to_ThetaExperimental: Fit graph using empirical Theta matrix
fitInIntervalFit value(s) in interval
flightCountMatrixToConnectionListConvert flight counts to connection list
flightsFlights delay data
fmpareto_graph_HRParameter fitting for Huesler-Reiss graphical models
fmpareto_HR_helpersHR Parameter fitting - Helper functions
fmpareto_HR_MLEParameter fitting for multivariate Huesler-Reiss Pareto...
Gamma2chi_3DCompute theoretical \eChi in 3D
generate_random_GammaGenerate a random Gamma matrix
generateRandomGraphGenerate random graphs
generate_random_graphical_GammaGenerate a random Gamma matrix for a given graph
generate_random_integer_GammaGenerate a random Gamma matrix containing only integers
generate_random_modelGenerate random Huesler-Reiss Models
generate_random_spd_matrixGenerate a random symmetric positive definite matrix
get_alert_functionGet alert function
get_cliques_and_separatorsGet Cliques and Separators of a graph
get_cliques_and_separators_OLDGet Cliques and Separators of a graph
getDanubeFlowGraphGet Danube flow graph
getFlightDelayDataGet filtered flight delays
get_mc_coresNumber of cores to be used in parallel computations
getPackageDataGet package data
getSubMatrixForSubgraphGet the submatrix corresponding to a subgraph
get_tolTolerances to be used in computations
graphicalExtremesgraphicalExtremes: Statistical methodology for graphical...
graphs_equalGraph equality
logdV_HRCompute the exponent measure density of HR distribution
logdVK_HRCompute censored exponent measure
logLH_HRFull censored log-likelihood of HR model
loglik_HRCompute Huesler-Reiss log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC
make_numeric_indicesConvert indices to numerical indices
make_sep_listCreate a list of separators
matrix2graphConvert matrix to graph
mparetomarginsMarginalize multivariate Pareto dataset
order_cliquesOrder Cliques
par2MatrixCreate Gamma or Theta from vector
parameterMatrixConversionConversion between Huesler-Reiss parameter matrices
parToMatricesFactoryFactory: parToMatrices
plotDanubePlot Danube River Flow Data
plotFlightsPlot flight data
rmparetoSampling of a multivariate Pareto distribution
rmpareto_treeSampling of a multivariate Pareto distribution on a tree
rmstableSampling of a multivariate max-stable distribution
rmstable_treeSampling of a multivariate max-stable distribution on a tree
simu_px_dirichletSimulate Dirichlet extremal functions
simu_px_HRSimulate HR extremal functions
simu_px_logisticSimulate logistic extremal functions
simu_px_neglogisticSimulate negative logistic extremal functions
simu_px_tree_dirichletSimulate Dirichlet extremal functions on a tree
simu_px_tree_HRSimulate HR extremal functions on a tree
simu_px_tree_logisticSimulate logistic extremal functions on a tree
split_graphSplit graph into invariant subgraphs
unifUniform margin
V_HRCompute exponent measure
ZmatrixComputes the Z-matrix
graphicalExtremes documentation built on Nov. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.