Man pages for graphx
Graphics Routines for Scientific Research

cmplx2colConvert complex numbers to color
colorbarVertical color bar
cubehelixCube Helix colour palette
dot-graphx.envPackage environment
errlinesDraw a line with uncertainty regions
graphxGraphics Routines for Scientific Research
invertInvert and shift colors of an image
lightnessChange lightness of a color
makeframeDisplay a single movie frame
makemovieProduce a movie from frame-drawing function
mollweideMollweide projection
nplotMake empty plot area
pdf2jpgConvert pdf to jpg
planckcolorsPlanck CMB colour palette
rasterflipFlip array to be displayed with rasterImage()
smoothcontourDraw smoothed contours
spectrumcolorsSpectrum colour palette
sphereplotPlot a spherical function or point set
subplotInsert a sub-panel into plot
transparentAdd transparency to a color
transzoomZoom, translate and rotate array image
wavelength2colConvert wavelength to RGB
yinyangyongYin-Yang-Yong image
graphx documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 5:07 p.m.