Man pages for grates
Grouped Date Classes

as_epiweekCoerce to a epiweek object
as_isoweekCoerce to a isoweek object
as_monthCoerce an object to month
as_periodCoerce an object to period
as_yearCoerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearmonthCoerce an object to year-month
as_yearquarterCoerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearweekCoerce to a yearweek object
boundariesAccess the start (end) dates of a grates vector
epiweekConstructor for epiweek objects
grates-defunctDefunct functions in package grates
grouped_date_accessorsAccessors for grate objects
isoweekConstructor for isoweek objects
new_epiweekMinimal constructor for an epiweek object
new_isoweekMinimal constructor for an isoweek object
new_monthMinimal Constructor for a month object
new_periodMinimal constructor for a period object
new_yearmonthMinimal constructor for a yearmonth object
new_yearquarterMinimal constructor for a yearquarter object
new_yearweekMinimal constructor for a yearweek object
print.grates_monthPrint a month object
print.grates_periodPrint a period object
print.grates_yearPrint a year-quarter object
print.grates_yearmonthPrint a year-month object
print.grates_yearquarterPrint a year-quarter object
scale_x_grates_epiweekepiweek scale
scale_x_grates_isoweekisoweek scale
scale_x_grates_monthmonth scale
scale_x_grates_periodperiod scale
scale_x_grates_yearyear scale
scale_x_grates_yearmonthyearmonth scale
scale_x_grates_yearquarteryearquarter scale
scale_x_grates_yearweekyearweek scale
yearConstruct a year object
yearmonthConstructor for yearmonth objects
yearquarterConstructor for yearquarter objects
yearweekConstructor for yearweek objects
grates documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:36 p.m.