Man pages for gremes
Estimation of Tail Dependence in Graphical Models

AdjacentCreates an empty object of class 'Adjacent'
BlockGraphCreates object of class 'BlockGraph'
combineCombines objects
confIntConfidence intervals for pairwise EC estimates
CoordinatesCreates an empty object of class 'Coordinates'
DanubeDanube Dataset
DanubeFlowDanube flow
DanubeTreeDanube tree
diagnostDiagnostic tool for generated sample
EKSObject of class 'EKS'
EKS_partObject of class 'EKS_part'
EngHitzObject of class 'EngHitz'
estimateProvides estimation of parameters
evalPointsMatrix of coordinates
extrCoeffCalculates extremal coefficients
FlowConnectAn empty object of class 'FlowConnect'
flowConnectionCreates a matrix of flow connectedness for a tree
FlowConnectionGraphObject of class 'FlowConnectionGraph'
FlowConnectionMatrixObject of class 'FlowConnectionMatrix'
getGraphIt retrieves the graph of an object of appropriate class
getNoDataNodesIt retrieves the nodes without data
getNodesWithDataIt retrieves the nodes for which data are missing
getParamsIt retrieves the parameters associated to an HRMnetwork
gremes-packagegremes: Estimation of extremal dependence parameters on...
GTreeCreates object of class 'GTree'
HRLambdaParameter matrix of a Huesler-Reiss distribution
HRMBGObject of class 'HRMBG'
HRMnetworkObject of class 'HRMnetwork'
HRMtreeObject of class 'HRMtree'
is_identifiableIdentifiability in case of latent variables
MLE1Object of class 'MLE1'
MLE2Object of class 'MLE2'
MLEaveObject of class 'MLEave'
MMEObject of class 'MME'
MMEaveObject of class 'MMEave'
NeighborhoodAn empty object of class 'Neighborhood'
NetworkCreates objects of calss 'Network'
plotECPlots Extremal coefficients
QuadruplesCreates an empty object of class 'Quadruples'
rHRMGenerates random sample
RootDepSetAn empty object of class 'RootDepSet'
SeineSeine Dataset
SetAn empty object of class 'Set'
setParamsSets edge parameters
setRootDepSetSetter for objects of class 'RootDepSet'
sigmaCovariance matrix
stdfStable tail dependence function (stdf)
subsetGeneric for 'subset'
subset.FlowConnectSubsets using flow connection information
subset.NeighborhoodSubsets based on neighborhood
taildepCoeffTail dependence coefficients
TreeCreates an object of class 'Tree'
TriplesCreates an empty object of class 'Triples'
TuplesCreates an empty object of class 'Tuples'
gremes documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:06 p.m.