Triples: Creates an empty object of class 'Triples'

View source: R/gr_coordinates.R

TriplesR Documentation

Creates an empty object of class Triples


It is used for creating the coordinates where the stable tail dependence function (stdf) is evaluated. For instance in the extremal coefficient estimator. For more information about it see Vignettes "Estimation - Note 3" and "Code - Note 3" and "Subsets and Coordinates". It is designed for use with method evalPoints. See the examples therein.




An empty object of class Triples which is to be used with method evalPoints to create matrix of coordnates.


tri<- Triples()

seg<- make_tree(8,2, mode = "undirected")
seg<- set.vertex.attribute(seg, "name", V(seg), letters[1:8])
data<- matrix(rnorm(10*8), 10,8)
colnames(data)<- letters[1:8]
tobj<- Tree(seg, data)

x<- rep(1,8)
names(x)<- get.vertex.attribute(tobj$graph, "name", V(tobj$graph))
ep<- evalPoints(tri, tobj, x)

gremes documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:06 p.m.