
#' gremes: Estimation of extremal dependence parameters on graphical models related to trees and block graphs
#' The package \code{gremes} provides tools for estimation of the tail dependence parameters in graphical models
#' parameterized by family of Huesler-Reiss distributions.
#' The only supported parameterization is through \strong{Huesler-Reiss} distributions.
#' The only supported graphs are \strong{trees} and \strong{block graphs}.
#' The estimation methods are variations of method of moments, maximum likelihood and a method based on
#' extremal coefficients.
#' Estimation methods are based mainly on the following literature:
#' Asenova, Stefka, Gildas Mazo, and Johan Segers. 2021. "Inference on Extremal Dependence in the Domain of
#'  Attraction of a Structured Huesler-Reiss Distribution
#' Motivated by a Markov Tree with Latent Variables." Extremes. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10687-021-00407-5.
#' Einmahl, J., A. Kiriliouk, and J. Segers. 2017. "A Continuous Updating Weighted Least Squares Estimator
#' of Tail Dependence in High Dimensions." Extremes.
#'  Engelke S. and Hitz A.S. 2020. "Graphical models for extremes" (with discussion).
#' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 82: 871-932.
#' @section Vignette "Introduction":
#'  Describes the model, the edge weights that represent
#'  the scope of the estimation and how they characterize the tail dependence structure of the model.
#' @section Vignette "Detailed contents":
#'  A detailed guide into the documentation of the package and a
#'  summary of the main functionalities of the package.
#' @section Vignette "Huesler-Reiss distributions":
#'  Parameterizations used of the Huesler-Reiss distributions.
#' @section Vignette "Estimation - Note" 1-6:
#'  Detailed description of the estimation methods.
#' @section Vignettes "Code - Note" 1-6:
#'  Use of the estimation tools (the methods, classes and functions) of the package.
#' @section Vignette "Additional functionalities":
#'  Explanation and illustrates the functions related to additional functionalities such as generating
#'  random sample from a model, computing extremal coefficients, tail dependence coefficients,
#'  confidence intervals for one of the estimators.
#' @section Object oriented style:
#'  The package is developed in an object-oriented style. There are two main types of objects.
#'  An object containing the graph and the dataset is created using classes \code{Network}, \code{Tree} and
#'  possibly other subclasses of these.
#'  An object containing the graph and the edge weights is created with classes \code{HRMnetwork, HRMtree,
#'  HRMBG} and possibly subclasses of these.
#'  We can look at the first type of objects as one representing the non-parametric view on the problem -
#'   all we know is the graph and the data.
#'   We can look at the second type of objects as representing the Huesler-Reiss parametric model: every
#'    clique is parameterized by a Huesler-Reiss distribution with parameters - the edge weights
#'    within this clique. Hence all that characterizes the parametric model is the graph and the edge weights.
#'    Consider for instance a method \code{extrCoeff} which is written both for classes \code{Tree} and \code{HRMtree}.
#'     If we pass an object of class \code{Tree} to the method \code{extrCoeff} the command will return
#'     non-parametric estimates of the extremal coefficients. If the object passed is of class \code{HRMtree}
#'     the command will return parametric extremal coefficients.
#' @section The method \code{estimate}:
#'  The main goal of the package is estimation, therefore the method \code{estimate} is the key functionality
#'   of the tools provided in the package. Estimation in \code{gremes} happens by using the method
#'   \code{estimate} on an object from one of the following classes:
#'   \code{MME, MLE1, MLE2, EKS, EKS_part, EngHitz, MMEave, MLEave} in which case it estimates the
#'   edge weights of a graphical model on a tree. See Vignettes "Code - Node" 1-4 and 6.
#'   \code{HRMBG} in which case it estimates the edge weights of a graphical model on a tree.
#'   See Vignettes "Code - Node 5".
#' @author Stefka Asenova, contact: stefkakirilova at yahoo.com, see also www.gremes.info
#' @docType package

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gremes documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:06 p.m.