covRob.control: Control Parameters for Robust Covariance Estimation

View source: R/covRob.control.q

covRob.controlR Documentation

Control Parameters for Robust Covariance Estimation


This function is used to create a list of control parameters for the underlying robust estimator used in the covRob function.


  covRob.control(estim, ...)



a character vector of length one giving the name of the estimator to generate the control parameters for.


control parameters appropriate for the robust estimator specified in estim in the form name = value and separated by commas. Omitted parameters receive their default values.


This function was part of the 'robust' package and it has been copied to the current package due to an ORPHANED Maintainer.

The control parameters are estimator specific. Information on the control parameters (and their default values) can be found in the help files of each of the robust covariance estimators.


a list of control parameters appropriate for the robust estimator given in estim. The value of estim occupies the first element of the list.

See Also

This function is a utility function for covRob.<br>

The underlying robust estimators are: CovSde, covMcd and CovOgk. Power-users should consider calling these functions directly.


  mcd.control <- covRob.control("mcd", quan = 0.75, ntrial = 1000)

  ds.control <- covRob.control("donostah", prob = 0.95)

  qc.control <- covRob.control("pairwiseqc")

groc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.

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