groupdata2: groupdata2: A package for creating groups from data

groupdata2R Documentation

groupdata2: A package for creating groups from data


Methods for dividing data into groups. Create balanced partitions and cross-validation folds. Perform time series windowing and general grouping and splitting of data. Balance existing groups with up- and downsampling.


The groupdata2 package provides six main functions: group(), group_factor(), splt(), partition(), fold(), and balance().


Create groups from your data.

Divides data into groups by a wide range of methods. Creates a grouping factor with 1s for group 1, 2s for group 2, etc. Returns a data.frame grouped by the grouping factor for easy use in magrittr pipelines.

Go to group()


Create grouping factor for subsetting your data.

Divides data into groups by a wide range of methods. Creates and returns a grouping factor with 1s for group 1, 2s for group 2, etc.

Go to group_factor()


Split data by a wide range of methods.

Divides data into groups by a wide range of methods. Splits data by these groups.

Go to splt()


Create balanced partitions (e.g. training/test sets).

Splits data into partitions. Balances a given categorical variable between partitions and keeps (if possible) all data points with a shared ID (e.g. participant_id) in the same partition.

Go to partition()


Create balanced folds for cross-validation.

Divides data into groups (folds) by a wide range of methods. Balances a given categorical variable between folds and keeps (if possible) all data points with the same ID (e.g. participant_id) in the same fold.

Go to fold()


Balance the sizes of your groups with up- and downsampling.

Uses up- and/or downsampling to fix the group sizes to the min, max, mean, or median group size or to a specific number of rows. Has a set of methods for balancing on ID level.

Go to balance()


Ludvig Renbo Olsen,

groupdata2 documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:46 p.m.