Man pages for groupedSurv
Efficient Estimation of Grouped Survival Models Using the Exact Likelihood Function

alphaEstFamEstimate the Interval Baseline Survival Rates for the Grouped...
betaEstEstimate the Parameter of Interest for the Grouped Survival...
betaEstFamEstimate the Fixed Effect Parameter for the Frailty Model
geneStatCompute Gene-Level Statistics Based on Efficient Score...
groupedSurvCompute the Efficient Score Statistic for the Grouped...
groupedSurvFamCompute the Efficient Score Statistic for the Frailty Model
groupedSurv-packageEfficient Estimation of Grouped Survival Models Using the...
PvalueFamEstimate P-values of the Efficient Score Statistics for the...
thetaEstEstimate the Baseline Survival Rates and Covariate Parameters...
varEstFamEstimate the Frailty Variance for the Frailty Model
varLLFamLog-Likelihood of the Frailty Variance for the Discrete-Time...
groupedSurv documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 1:06 a.m.