Man pages for groupedstats
Grouped Statistical Analyses in a Tidy Way

grouped_aovRunning analysis of variance (aov) across multiple grouping...
grouped_glmFunction to run generalized linear model ('glm') across...
grouped_glmerFunction to run generalized linear mixed-effects model...
grouped_lmRunning linear model ('lm') across multiple grouping...
grouped_lmerLinear mixed-effects model ('lmer') across multiple grouping...
grouped_proptestFunction to run proportion test on grouped data.
grouped_p_valueExtracting _p_-values for models that don't produce them.
grouped_slrRunning simple linear regression (slr) on multiple variables...
grouped_summaryDescriptive statistics for multiple variables for all...
grouped_ttestFunction to run _t_-test on multiple variables across...
grouped_wilcoxFunction to run two-sample Wilcoxon tests on multiple...
lm_effsize_ciConfidence intervals for (partial) eta-squared and...
lm_effsize_standardizerStandardize a dataframe with effect sizes for 'aov', 'lm',...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
groupedstats documentation built on May 29, 2021, 1:06 a.m.