autocut: autocut

autocutR Documentation



Simulation routine to realistically predict grass cutting events. This follows an implementation described in Petersen et al. (2021).

The decision to cut is made based on two criteria. First, it is checked whether a *target biomass* is reached on given DOY. The defined target depends on the DOY and is given through :func:'get_target_biomass'. If said biomass is present, return 'TRUE'.

Otherwise, it is checked whether a given amount of time has passed since the last cut. Depending on whether this is the first cut of the season or not, the relevant parameters are :int:'last_DOY_for_initial_cut' and :int:'max_cut_period'. If that amount of time has passed, return 'TRUE', otherwise return 'FALSE'.

The target biomass for a given day is determined following the principles described in Petersen et al.

The exact regression for the target biomass is based on Fig. S2 in the supplementary material of Petersen et al.

A refinement to expected yield as function of altitude has been implemented according to Table 1a in Huguenin et al. (2017).






growR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:12 a.m.