Man pages for grwat
River Hydrograph Separation and Analysis

gr_baseflowExtract baseflow
gr_buffer_geoQuasi-geographic buffering
gr_check_dataCheck the correctness of data frame for separating
gr_check_paramsCheck the correctness of parameters list for separating
gr_fill_gapsFill missing daily data
gr_get_gapsGet gaps in the daily data
gr_get_paramsGet hydrograph separation parameters
gr_help_paramsGet the information about parameters used to separate the...
gr_help_varsHydrograph separation variables
gr_join_reanJoin reanalysis data
gr_kable_testsTabular representation of tests
gr_plot_acfPlot runoff ACF
gr_plot_horiHorizon hydrograph plot
gr_plot_matrixRunoff matrix plot
gr_plot_minmonthPlot minimum runoff month
gr_plot_periodsPlot long-term hydrograph variable changes
gr_plot_ridgeRidgeline hydrograph plot
gr_plot_sepPlot hydrograph separation
gr_plot_testsPlot change year density
gr_plot_varsPlot interannual hydrograph variable changes
gr_read_reanRead reanalysis data
gr_reportReport hydrograph separation and variables
gr_separateAdvanced hydrograph separation
gr_set_localeSet the language that is used for plotting
gr_set_paramSet the value of hydrograph separation parameter
gr_summarizeSummarize hydrograph separation
gr_test_varsTest hydrograph changes
pipePipe operator
spasSpas-Zagorye daily runoff data
grwat documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:21 p.m.