
#' gtfs_route
#' Calculate single route between a start and end station departing at or after
#' a specified time.
#' @param gtfs A set of GTFS data returned from \link{extract_gtfs} or, for more
#' efficient queries, pre-processed with \link{gtfs_timetable}.
#' @param from Names, IDs, or approximate (lon, lat) coordinates of start
#' stations (as `stop_name` or `stop_id` entry in the `stops` table, or a vector
#' of two numeric values). See Note.
#' @param to Corresponding Names, IDs, or coordinates of end station.
#' @param start_time Desired departure time at `from` station, either in seconds
#' after midnight, a vector of two or three integers (hours, minutes) or (hours,
#' minutes, seconds), an object of class \link{difftime}, \pkg{hms}, or
#' \pkg{lubridate}. If not provided, current time is used.
#' @param day Day of the week on which to calculate route, either as an
#' unambiguous string (so "tu" and "th" for Tuesday and Thursday), or a number
#' between 1 = Sunday and 7 = Saturday. If not given, the current day will be
#' used. (Not used if `gtfs` has already been prepared with
#' \link{gtfs_timetable}.)
#' @param route_pattern Using only those routes matching given pattern, for
#' example, "^U" for routes starting with "U" (as commonly used for underground
#' or subway routes. To negate the `route_pattern` -- that is, to include all
#' routes except those matching the pattern -- prepend the value with "!"; for
#' example "!^U" will include all services except those starting with "U". (This
#' parameter is not used at all if `gtfs` has already been prepared with
#' \link{gtfs_timetable}.)
#' @param earliest_arrival If `FALSE`, routing will be with the first-departing
#' service, which may not provide the earliest arrival at the `to` station. This
#' may nevertheless be useful for bulk queries, as earliest arrival searches
#' require two routing queries, while earliest departure searches require just
#' one, and so will be generally twice as fast.
#' @param include_ids If `TRUE`, result will include columns containing
#' GTFS-specific identifiers for routes, trips, and stops.
#' @param max_transfers If not `NA`, specify a desired maximum number of
#' transfers for the route (including but not exceeding this number). This
#' parameter may be used to generate alternative routes with fewer transfers,
#' although actual numbers of transfers may still exceed this number if the
#' value specified is less than the minimal feasible number of transfers.
#' @param from_to_are_ids Set to `TRUE` to enable `from` and `to` parameter to
#' specify entries in `stop_id` rather than `stop_name` column of the `stops`
#' table.
#' @param grep_fixed If `FALSE`, match station names (when passed as character
#' string) with `grep(..., fixed = FALSE)`, to allow use of `grep` expressions.
#' This is useful to refine matches in cases where desired stations may match
#' multiple entries.
#' @param quiet Set to `TRUE` to suppress screen messages (currently just
#' regarding timetable construction).
#' @note This function will by default calculate the route that arrives earliest
#' at the specified destination, although this may depart later than the
#' earliest departing service. Routes which depart at the earliest possible time
#' can be calculated by setting `earliest_arrival = FALSE`.
#' @return For single (from, to) values, a `data.frame` describing the route,
#' with each row representing one stop. For multiple (from, to) values, a list
#' of `data.frames`, each of which describes one route between the i'th start
#' and end stations (`from` and `to` values). Origin and destination stations
#' for which no route is possible return `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' # Examples must be run on single thread only:
#' nthr_dt <- data.table::setDTthreads (1)
#' nthr_omp <- Sys.getenv ("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT")
#' Sys.setenv ("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 1L)
#' berlin_gtfs_to_zip () # Write sample feed from Berlin, Germany to tempdir
#' f <- file.path (tempdir (), "vbb.zip") # name of feed
#' gtfs <- extract_gtfs (f)
#' from <- "Innsbrucker Platz" # U-bahn station, not "S"
#' to <- "Alexanderplatz"
#' start_time <- 12 * 3600 + 120 # 12:02
#' route <- gtfs_route (gtfs, from = from, to = to, start_time = start_time)
#' # Specify day of week
#' route <- gtfs_route (
#'     gtfs,
#'     from = from,
#'     to = to,
#'     start_time = start_time,
#'     day = "Sunday"
#' )
#' # specify travel by "U" = underground only
#' route <- gtfs_route (
#'     gtfs,
#'     from = from,
#'     to = to,
#'     start_time = start_time,
#'     day = "Sunday",
#'     route_pattern = "^U"
#' )
#' # specify travel by "S" = street-level only (not underground)
#' route <- gtfs_route (
#'     gtfs,
#'     from = from,
#'     to = to,
#'     start_time = start_time,
#'     day = "Sunday",
#'     route_pattern = "^S"
#' )
#' # Route queries are generally faster if the GTFS data are pre-processed with
#' # `gtfs_timetable()`:
#' gt <- gtfs_timetable (gtfs, day = "Sunday", route_pattern = "^S")
#' route <- gtfs_route (gt, from = from, to = to, start_time = start_time)
#' data.table::setDTthreads (nthr_dt)
#' Sys.setenv ("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = nthr_omp)
#' @family main
#' @export
gtfs_route <- function (gtfs, from, to, start_time = NULL, day = NULL,
                        route_pattern = NULL, earliest_arrival = TRUE,
                        include_ids = FALSE, grep_fixed = TRUE,
                        max_transfers = NA,
                        from_to_are_ids = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {

    if (length (from) != length (to)) {
        stop ("from and to must have the same length")

    # no visible binding note:
    departure_time <- NULL

    # IMPORTANT: data.table works entirely by reference, so all operations
    # change original values unless first copied!
    gtfs_cp <- data.table::copy (gtfs)

    if (!"timetable" %in% names (gtfs_cp)) {
        gtfs_cp <- gtfs_timetable (
            day = day,
            route_pattern = route_pattern,
            quiet = quiet

    if (is.null (start_time)) {
        start_time <- format (Sys.time (), "%H:%M:%S")
    } # nocov
    start_time <- convert_time (start_time)
    gtfs_cp$timetable <- gtfs_cp$timetable [departure_time >= start_time, ]
    if (nrow (gtfs_cp$timetable) == 0) {
        stop ("There are no scheduled services after that time.")

    start_stns <- from_to_to_stations (
    end_stns <- from_to_to_stations (

    res <- lapply (seq (start_stns), function (i) {
        gtfs_route1 (
            gtfs_cp, start_stns [[i]], end_stns [[i]],
            include_ids, max_transfers,
            earliest_arrival, from_to_are_ids

    if (length (res) == 1) {
        res <- res [[1]]
    } else {
        names (res) <- paste0 (from, " --> ", to)

    return (res)

gtfs_route1 <- function (gtfs, start_stns, end_stns, start_time,
                         include_ids, max_transfers,
                         earliest_arrival, from_to_are_ids) {

    stations <- NULL # no visible binding note # nolint

    res <- gtfs_csa (
        gtfs, start_stns, end_stns, start_time,
        include_ids, max_transfers

    if (earliest_arrival && !is.null (res)) {
        arrival_time <- max_arrival_time (res)
        gtfs$timetable <- reverse_timetable (gtfs$timetable, arrival_time)
        # reverse start and end stations:
        temp <- start_stns
        start_stns <- end_stns
        end_stns <- temp
        start_time <- 0
        res_e <- tryCatch (
            gtfs_csa (
            error = function (e) NULL
        if (!is.null (res_e)) {
            res <- res_e
    return (res)

# core CSA routing calculation
gtfs_csa <- function (gtfs, start_stns, end_stns, start_time,
                      include_ids, max_transfers) {

    # no visible binding note:
    trip_ids <- NULL

    if (is.na (max_transfers)) {
        max_transfers <- .Machine$integer.max

    if (!"transfers" %in% names (gtfs)) {

        # dummy empty transfer table
        gtfs$transfers <- data.table::data.table (
            from_stop_id = integer (),
            to_stop_id = integer (),
            transfer_type = integer (),
            min_transfer_time = numeric (),
            from_route_id = character (),
            to_route_id = character (),
            from_trip_id = integer (),
            to_trip_id = integer ()

    route <- rcpp_csa (
        gtfs$timetable, gtfs$transfers,
        nrow (gtfs$stop_ids), nrow (gtfs$trip_ids),
        start_stns, end_stns, start_time, max_transfers
    if (nrow (route) == 0) {
        return (NULL)

    route$trip_id <- gtfs$trip_ids [, trip_ids] [route$trip_number]

    res <- map_all_trips (gtfs, route, include_ids)

    # timetables scanned in reverse do not add terminal transfers, so these have
    # to be done here
    from_stop_id <- to_stop_id <- NULL # suppress no visible binding notes
    end_stop <- utils::tail (route$stop_number, 1)
    if (route$stop_number [1] %in% end_stns && !end_stop %in% start_stns) {
        tr <- gtfs$transfers [from_stop_id == end_stop &
            to_stop_id %in% start_stns]
        index <- which (tr$min_transfer_time == min (tr$min_transfer_time))
        tr <- tr [index, ] [1] # just pick the first
        route1 <- route [1, ] # dummy
        route1$stop_number <- tr$to_stop_id
        route1$time <- utils::tail (route$time, 1) - tr$min_transfer_time
        route1$trip_number <- NA_integer_
        route1$trip_id <- NA_character_

        route <- rbind (route, route1)

    # Add any terminal transfers to actual destination
    if (is.na (route$trip_id [1]) || is.na (utils::tail (route$trip_id, 1))) {

        if (is.na (route$trip_id [1])) {
            n <- 1
            arrival_time <- format_time (route$time [n])
        } else { # transfer at end of a reversed timetable scan
            n <- nrow (route)
            tr_time <- -utils::tail (diff (route$time), 1)
            arrival_time <- convert_time (utils::tail (res$arrival_time, 1))
            arrival_time <- format_time (arrival_time + tr_time)
        res1 <- res [1, ] # dummy
        res1$route_name <- NA_character_
        res1$trip_name <- "(transfer)"
        res1$stop_name <- gtfs$stops$stop_name [route$stop_number [n]]
        if (include_ids) {
            res1$route_id <- res1$trip_id <- NA_character_
            res1$stop_id <- gtfs$stops$stop_id [route$stop_number [n]]
        res1$departure_time <- NA_character_
        res1$arrival_time <- arrival_time

        res <- rbind (res, res1)

    return (res)

# convert from and to values to indices into gtfs$stations
from_to_to_stations <- function (stns,
                                 from_to_are_ids = FALSE,
                                 grep_fixed = TRUE) {

    if (is.character (stns) ||
        (!is.numeric (stns) && is.null (nrow (stns)))) {

        ret <- lapply (stns, function (i) {
            unique (station_name_to_ids (

    } else if (!is.null (nrow (stns))) {

        ret <- apply (stns, 1, function (i) {
            unique (station_name_to_ids (
        if (!is.list (ret)) { # for single row stns
            ret <- list (as.integer (ret))

    } else if (is.numeric (stns) && length (stns) == 2) {

        ret <- list (station_name_to_ids (

    } else {
        stop ("from/to stations in unrecognised format")
    return (ret)

# names generally match to multiple IDs, each of which is returned here, as
# 0-indexed IDs into gtfs$stations
station_name_to_ids <- function (stn_name, gtfs, from_to_are_ids, grep_fixed) {

    # no visible binding notes:
    stop_name <- stop_id <- stop_ids <- stations <- NULL # nolint

    ret <- stn_name
    if (is.numeric (stn_name)) {
        if (length (stn_name) != 2) {
            stop (
                "Numeric (from, to) values must have ",
                "two values for (lon, lat)"
        names (stn_name) <- c ("lon", "lat")
        # geodist may issue warning about inaccracy of defalt 'cheap' distance,
        # but as we're only interested in the shortest distance, it can be used.
        suppressMessages (
            d <- geodist::geodist (stn_name, gtfs$stops)
        # One stop name can have several IDs, each of which need to be extracted
        # here:
        this_stop <- gtfs$stops [which.min (d), ] [, stop_name]
        index <- grep (this_stop, gtfs$stops [, stop_name], fixed = grep_fixed)
        ret <- gtfs$stops [index, ] [, stop_id]
    } else if (!from_to_are_ids) {
        index <- grep (stn_name, gtfs$stops [, stop_name], fixed = grep_fixed)
        if (length (index) == 0) {
            stop (stn_name, " does not match any stations")

        # check distances between matched stations, noting that lon/lat values
        # are only "conditionally required", so not always present
        if (all (c ("stop_lon", "stop_lat") %in% names (gtfs$stops))) {
            xy <- gtfs$stops [index, c ("stop_lon", "stop_lat")]
            dmax <- max (geodist::geodist (xy, measure = "haversine")) / 1000
            if (dmax > 5) {
                warning (
                    "The name [", stn_name,
                    "] matches multiple stops spread  up to ",
                    round (dmax, digits = 1), "km apart.\n",
                    "Considering refining matching via `grep` ",
                    "with `grep_fixed = FALSE`."

        ret <- gtfs$stops [index, ] [, stop_id]

    ret <- match (ret, gtfs$stops [, stop_id])
    if (length (ret) == 0) {
        stop (stn_name, " does not match any stations")

    return (ret)

# Re-map the result of gtfs_route onto trip details (names of routes & stations,
# plus departure times). This is called seperately for each distinct route in
# the result.
map_one_trip <- function (gtfs, route, route_name = "") {

    # no visible binding notes:
    trip_id <- stop_id <- stop_ids <- stop_name <-
        departure_time <- arrival_time <- NULL

    this_route <- route [route$trip_id == route_name, ]

    trip_stops <- gtfs$stop_times [trip_id == route_name, ]
    # some lines are circular, and may have two entries for same start/end
    # stations.
    trip_stops <- trip_stops [trip_stops$departure_time >=
        min (this_route$time, na.rm = TRUE), ]

    trip_stop_num <- match (trip_stops [, stop_id], gtfs$stop_ids [, stop_ids])
    trip_stop_num <- trip_stop_num [which (trip_stop_num %in%
    trip_stop_id <- gtfs$stop_ids [trip_stop_num, stop_ids]
    trip_stop_names <- gtfs$stops [
        match (trip_stop_id, gtfs$stops [, stop_id]),
    trip_stops <- trip_stops [which (trip_stops [, stop_id %in%
        trip_stop_id]), ]
    trip_stop_departure <- format_time (trip_stops [, departure_time])
    trip_stop_arrival <- format_time (trip_stops [, arrival_time])
    data.frame (
        trip_id = route_name,
        stop_name = trip_stop_names,
        stop_id = trip_stop_id,
        departure_time = trip_stop_departure,
        arrival_time = trip_stop_arrival,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# map_one_trip maps the integer-valued stations back on to actual station
# names. This is done seperately for each distinct trip so trip identifiers
# can also be easily added
map_all_trips <- function (gtfs, route, include_ids) {

    # no visible binding note:
    trip_id <- trip_headsign <- route_id <- route_short_name <- NULL

    trip_ids <- unique (route$trip_id [order (route$time)])
    # trips with from_to_are_ids can end with trip_ids of NA from transfers
    trip_ids <- trip_ids [!is.na (trip_ids)]
    res <- do.call (rbind, lapply (trip_ids, function (i) {
        map_one_trip (gtfs, route, i)
    res <- res [order (res$departure_time), ]
    rownames (res) <- seq_len (nrow (res))

    # Then insert routes and trip headsigns
    res$trip_name <- NA_character_
    if ("trip_headsign" %in% names (gtfs$trips)) {
        index <- match (res$trip_id, gtfs$trips [, trip_id])
        res$trip_name <- gtfs$trips [index, trip_headsign]

    index <- match (res$trip_id, gtfs$trips [, trip_id])
    res$route_id <- gtfs$trips [index, route_id]
    index <- match (res$route_id, gtfs$routes [, route_id])
    res$route_name <- gtfs$routes [index, route_short_name]

    col_order <- c (
    if (!include_ids) {
        col_order <- col_order [c (2, 4, 6:8)]
    res <- res [, col_order]

    if (all (is.na (res$trip_name))) {
        res$trip_name <- NULL
    } # nocov

    return (res)

# get arrival time of single routing result in seconds
max_arrival_time <- function (x) {
    arrival_times <- vapply (x$arrival_time, function (i) {
        y <- strsplit (i, ":") [[1]]
        as.numeric (y [1]) * 3600 +
            as.numeric (y [2]) * 60 +
            as.numeric (y [3])
    }, numeric (1))
    max (as.numeric (arrival_times))

# reverse direction of timetable, and substract all times from arrival time
reverse_timetable <- function (timetable, arrival_time) {
    x <- timetable$departure_station
    timetable$departure_station <- timetable$arrival_station
    timetable$arrival_station <- x
    x <- timetable$departure_time
    timetable$departure_time <- timetable$arrival_time
    timetable$arrival_time <- x
    # then subtract times
    timetable$departure_time <- arrival_time - timetable$departure_time
    timetable$arrival_time <- arrival_time - timetable$arrival_time

    timetable <- timetable [which (timetable$departure_time >= 0), ]
    timetable [order (timetable$departure_time), ]

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gtfsrouter documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.