
#/context("Test prep_data method")
#/#'Prep data for h2o4gpu algorithms
#/#'@param data_table `data.table` object containing data that needs to be preprocessed for h2o4gpu
#/#'@param response Response column as a string or index
#/#'@param save_csv_path Path to save processed data as a csv
#/#'@param max_label_encoding_levels The maximum number of uniques required in a column to consider it a categorical variable. Default is 1000
#/prep_data <- function(data_table, response, save_csv_path = NULL, max_label_encoding_levels = 1000){
#/  if (!is.data.table(data_table)) {
#/    stop ("Input data should be of type data.table")
#/  }
#/  if (is.character(response)) {
#/    print(paste0("Response is -> ",response))
#/  } else {
#/    print(paste0("Response is -> ",colnames(data_table)[response]))
#/  }
#/  print(paste0("Number of columns: ", ncol(data_table)))
#/  print(paste0("Number of rows: ", nrow(data_table)))
#/  ## Label-encoding of categoricals (those cols with fewer than `label_encoding_levels` levels, but not constant)
#/  print("Label encoding dataset...")
#/  feature.names <- setdiff(names(data_table), response)
#/  for (ff in feature.names) {
#/    tt <- uniqueN(data_table[[ff]])
#/    if (tt <= max_label_encoding_levels && tt > 1) {
#/      data_table[, (ff):=factor(data_table[[ff]])]
#/      print(paste0(ff," has ",tt," levels"))
#/    }
#/    if (tt < 2) {
#/      print(paste0("Dropping constant column: ", ff))
#/      data_table[, (ff):=NULL]
#/    }
#/  }
#/  print(paste0("Number of columns after label encoding: ", ncol(data_table)))
#/  num_cols <- names(data_table)[which(sapply(data_table, is.numeric))]
#/  cat_cols <- names(data_table)[which(sapply(data_table, is.factor))]
#/  print(paste0("Number of numeric columns: ", length(num_cols)))
#/  print(paste0("Number of categorical columns: ", length(cat_cols)))
#/  ## impute missing values, drop near-const cols and standardize the data
#/  print("Imputing missing values using mean...")
#/  cols <- setdiff(num_cols,c(response))
#/  for (c in cols) {
#/    data_table[!is.finite(data_table[[c]]), (c):=mean(data_table[[c]], na.rm=TRUE)]
#/    if (!is.finite(sd(data_table[[c]])) || sd(data_table[[c]])<1e-4)
#/      data_table[,(c):=NULL]
#/    else
#/      data_table[,(c):=scale(as.numeric(data_table[[c]]))]
#/  }
#/  print(paste0("Number of columns after mean imputation: ", ncol(data_table)))
#/  ## one-hot encode the categoricals
#/  print("One hot encoding data table categoricals only...")
#/  data_table2 <- as.data.table(model.matrix(data_table[[response]]~., data = data_table[,c(cat_cols), with=FALSE], sparse=FALSE))[,-1]
#/  print(paste0("Number of columns that have been one hot encoded: ", ncol(data_table2)))
#/  ## add back the numeric columns and assign back to data_table
#/  print("Add back numeric columns and assign to data table")
#/  data_table <- data_table2[,(num_cols):=data_table[,num_cols,with=FALSE]]
#/  print(paste0("Final dimensions of data table after pre processing: ", nrow(data_table), " by ", ncol(data_table)))
#/  ## check validity of data
#/  print(paste0("Number of NA's in final data table after pre processing: ", sum(sapply(data_table, is.na))))
#/  print(paste0("Number of numeric's in final data table after pre processing: ", sum(sapply(data_table, is.numeric))))
#/  if (all(sapply(data_table, function(x) all(is.finite(x))))) {
#/    print("All entries in final data table after pre processing are finite")
#/  } else {
#/    print("Some entries are not finite in final data table after pre processing. Please inspect final data table")
#/  }
#/  ## save preprocessed file as CSV
#/  if (!is.null(save_csv_path)) {
#/    print(paste0("Saving processed data to ", save_csv_path))
#/    fwrite(data_table, save_csv_path)
#/  }
#/  return(data_table)
#/test_prep_data <- function() {
#/  skip_if_not_installed("data.table")
#/  library(data.table)
#/  dt <- fread("../data/creditcard.csv")
#/  dt_processed <- prep_data(dt, response = "default payment next month")
#/test_that("Checking if prep_data() works correctly", {
#/  test_prep_data()

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h2o4gpu documentation built on May 18, 2021, 1:07 a.m.