
# Project: hNMF_git
# Author: nsauwen

## #' Interactive method to select Matlab (.mat) input dataset to perform 
## #' (h)NMF analyses
## #' @return List of input data attributes
## #' @author Nicolas Sauwen
#importMatlabMriData <- function() {
##  library(R.matlab)
##  library(spatialfil)
#  matlabFile <- file.choose()
#  matlabInputData <- R.matlab::readMat(matlabFile)
#  inputDataMRI <- NULL
#  inputDataMRI$data <- matlabInputData$X.red
#  inputDataMRI$numRows <- matlabInputData$num.rows
#  inputDataMRI$numCols <- matlabInputData$num.cols
#  inputDataMRI$numSlices <- matlabInputData$num.slices
#  inputDataMRI$selectVect <- matlabInputData$select.vect
#  inputDataMRI$bgImageTensor <- matlabInputData$T2.data.tensor
#  inputDataMRI$W <- matlabInputData$W
#  inputDataMRI$H <- matlabInputData$H
#  selectVect <- inputDataMRI$selectVect[,,1]
#  edgeROI <- spatialfil::applyFilter(selectVect,kernel = spatialfil::convKernel(k = "sharpen"))
#  edgeROI[edgeROI < max(edgeROI)-1] <- 0
#  edgeROI[edgeROI > 0] <- 1
#  inputDataMRI$edgeROI <- edgeROI
#  return(inputDataMRI)

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hNMF documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 5:42 p.m.