Man pages for haldensify
Highly Adaptive Lasso Conditional Density Estimation

confint.ipw_haldensifyConfidence Intervals for IPW Estimates of the Causal Effects...
cv_haldensifyHAL Conditional Density Estimation in a Cross-validation Fold
dcar_selectorIPW Estimator Selector via Projection of Efficient Influence...
fit_haldensifyFit Conditional Density Estimation for a Sequence of HAL...
format_long_hazardsGenerate Augmented (Long Format) Data for Pooled Hazards...
gcv_selectorIPW Estimator Selector via Global Cross-Validation
haldensifyCross-validated HAL Conditional Density Estimation
ipw_shiftIPW Estimates of the Causal Effects of Stochatic Shift...
make_binsHistogram Binning Procedures for Pooled Hazards Regression
map_hazard_to_densityMap Predicted Hazard to Predicted Density for a Single...
plateau_selectorIPW Estimator Selector Using Lepski's Plateau Method for the...
plot.haldensifyPlot Method for HAL Conditional Density Estimates
predict.haldensifyPrediction Method for HAL Conditional Density Estimation
print.haldensifyPrint: Highly Adaptive Lasso Conditional Density Estimates
print.ipw_haldensifyPrint: IPW Estimates of the Causal Effects of Stochatic Shift...
haldensify documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 1:07 a.m.