deff.sigma: HBIM data

deff.sigmaR Documentation

HBIM data


These 6 data sets were calculated using the associated function. For example, deff.sigma was calculated with eff.sigma. The 3 data sets that begin with deff, give the expected efficacy for several values of mu. The 3 data sets that begin with dpp give the percent protected with several values of mu. The data sets that end in .sigma change for different values of sigma, and similarly for .mu and .rho (see deff.sigma).




The format is: List of 8

  • mu vector of different values of mean for log10 antibody

  • out1matrix of either expected efficacy or percent protected for 1 component model, rows corespond to mu, cols correspond to cparms

  • out2matrix of either expected efficacy or percent protected for 2 component model, rows corespond to mu, cols correspond to cparms

  • out3matrix of either expected efficacy or percent protected for 3 component model, rows corespond to mu, cols correspond to cparms

  • col1vector of colors for different cparms of 1 component model

  • col2vector of colors for different cparms of 2 component model

  • col3vector of colors for different cparms of 3 component model

  • cparmsvector parameters that change


## here is the code that produces the 6 data sets, it takes about 25 hours to run
## so it is commented out here
#FACTORS<-c(1/10, 1/3, 1/2, 1)
#FCOLORS<-c("red", "green", "blue", "black")
#RHOS<-c(-.5,-.25,0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
#RCOLORS<- c("black","tan","yellow","blue", "green", "red", "black")
#deff.sigma<-eff.sigma(mu=MU, sigmas=SIGMAS, COLORS = SCOLORS, rho = 0)<, factor = FACTORS, COLORS = FCOLORS, sigma = SIGMAS[2], rho = 0)
#deff.rho<-eff.rho(mu=MU, sigma = SIGMAS[2], rho = RHOS, COLORS =RCOLORS,simulate=TRUE,nsim=NSIM)
#dpp.sigma<-pp.sigma(MU,sigmas=SIGMAS,COLORS = SCOLORS, rho = 0,nsim=NSIM)
#set.seed(21345123)<,factor = FACTORS, COLORS = FCOLORS, sigma = SIGMAS[2], rho = 0, nsim=NSIM)
#dpp.rho<-pp.rho(MU,sigma = SIGMAS[2], rho = RHOS, COLORS =RCOLORS,nsim=NSIM)

hbim documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:10 p.m.